Resting my hands on my hips, I frown at the suitcases in front of me, wondering if I packed everything I need. I had an earful earlier from my mom when I told her I wasn’t going back to New York first before heading to Paris. I couldn’t quite tell her that I wanted some ample alone time with Hunter without getting a hundred questions asked, so my excuse that I want to hang out with my friends was pretty frowned upon.
Oh, well. That’s what happens when I pay for everything. I become my own woman.
Mom wasn’t so pleased by that excuse either.
I heave a sigh and throw open my door, peaking down the hall to see if Seth or Lucas are ready, yet. The taxi should be here soon. I frown, wrinkling my nose when I hear Soul Caliber being played from the living room.
“Are you boys ready?” I call while stalking down the hall, my frown turning into a scowl when Seth and Lucas don’t bother to answer.
“Seth? Lucas?” I cross my arms and tap my foot, wondering if they will answer if I go stand in front of the TV.
When they continue to ignore me, I stomp around the couch, positioning myself in front of them. They lean to the side, trying to fight each other while I scowl back at them.
“Boys!” I shout, reaching over and yanking the controllers out of their hands.
“Oh, come on!” Seth shouts. “We were almost done.”
“Are you done packing, or not?” I ask while shaking the controller at him.
“All I need is passport, tooth brush, and tooth paste,” says Seth with a shrug.
I gape at him. “That’s all you packed?”
He smirks back at me. “Nah, I packed other stuff. I’m good to go.”
I roll my eyes. “Please, tell me the other stuff you packed is actually clothes and not just condoms.”
Seth’s eyes widen and he turns to Lucas. “Did you pack the condoms?”
Lucas pats Seth shoulders. “Relax. Of course I packed the condoms.”
My eyes narrow on both boys and I cross my arms, not particularly finding their antics funny whatsoever. “I hope you know I’m actually going to Paris to learn. Not just screw around.” I turn away from them, walking towards Hunter’s room. The door is still closed and I’m hoping he isn’t too upset that we are leaving him all by himself. I don’t want to leave him. It would be nice if all four of us could go to the most romantic city in the world together.
“Oh come on,” I hear Seth say from behind while I knock lightly at Hunter’s door. “Paris is the number one setting we should be screwing in.”
I shake my head while I wait for Hunter to answer the door.
“Do you think you packed enough condoms?”
I glance over my shoulder, watching Lucas chuckle. “Paris sells condoms, you idiot.”
I pinch my nose, already feeling a headache coming on. Paris with Seth is going to be really interesting. I have no clue what to make of it.
My phone vibrates and I smile when I see Charlie’s message on the screen: Have fun, girlie! Make sure to tell all the cute Frenchmen bonjour for me!
Shaking my head, I respond with: I don’t think Lucas and Seth would like me speaking to strange Frenchmen.
Charlie texts me back immediately: They’re not for you! They’re for me! Just show them my picture and give them my number, just in case they ever find themselves in the area.
I hear Hunter’s door open and shove my phone away before turning around. Hunter smiles at me, his hands in his pockets.
“Is everything alright?” I cringe, knowing I should stop asking him that question. Ever since the funeral and the whole thing with Lucas finding him out in the snow, I feel like that’s the only thing me and the bros ever ask him. “I wanted to say goodbye, but your door has been closed.”
“Yeah,” he says sheepishly. He nods inside his room. “I was hoping you could help me with something.”
I nod and follow him inside. “Of course. What is it?”