I walk out of the apartment, smiling at the budding trees and the melting snow. I guess winter is ending. I sigh, closing my eyes and lifting my head, feeling the warmth of the bright sun stroking my face tenderly. With Hunter getting released from the hospital and my report against Josh being sent to the school authorities, I feel like I can walk easier; as if this semester is finally getting better.
I can’t wait to see Hunter, I think while opening my eyes and continue my path down the sidewalk towards class. I’ve received a few text messages from him. Apparently his dad is getting on his case and is trying to get Hunter to drop the semester and pick it up next year when things have calmed down a bit. Hunter is pissed, but I think his dad is truly considering his needs. The guy has barely gone to class, let alone football practice. And I doubt he’s going to be doing so well with his mom gone.
Maybe he needs some time at home to heal.
Of course, I can’t just text that, knowing Hunter will probably blow up and shunt me out of his life. Seeing how he’s just returned, I’ve kept my mouth firmly shut. For now. I cringe while shoving open the door to the art school, remembering vaguely how I sent in my application for the internship program in Paris last week. I nearly forgot with all the chaos going on. I’m supposed to hear from them soon.
I turn around, recognizing the voice and wondering who is being this loud so early in the morning. My eyes widen on Lauren stalking toward me, looking like she’s about to slam her fist into my face. I stop and move to the side of the hall so other students can get pass us, ignoring their curious glances.
Lauren stops in front of me, scowling down at me as if I just dumped coffee all over her black sweater. “What is it?” I ask, my grip on the strap of my bag tightening. Of what I remember from our last encounter, we are still not talking. I have no clue what I’ve done to her now, since I’ve been pretty busy staying on the down low and concentrating on my school work. Briefly, I wonder if Charlie has spoken with her and she has come to offer her apologies for being such an asshole to me, but then again, why would she look so angry?
I inhale deeply, trying to calm the anxiety making my stomach twist. Let’s just get this done and over with I tell myself while watching Lauren scoff.
She throws her head back as if her eye roll has suddenly took hold of her face. “Don’t give me that innocent bullshit. You know exactly what’s going on.”
I purse my lips and feel my brow furrowing into confusion. If I’m not careful, my face might stay this way. I feel like I’ve been pretty confused this whole semester. I can’t think of anything I’ve done to Lauren in particular. Actually, I think the only thing I could be accused of these days is being rather boring. I haven’t gone to many parties. I’ve been doing my work and focusing on applying to that internship program in Paris.
I shake my head while I say, “I’m sorry. I really don’t know.”
Lauren shifts back and forth while her gaze wonders to the group of students staring at us from across the hall. She leans in close to me, her scowl darkening. “I spoke with Josh,” she whispers harshly. “He says you’re ruining his life.”
My eyes widen and I feel rage brim inside me, making me want to grab Lauren and shake some sense into her. “Me?” I ask, trying to contain my anger. My fists clench at my side.
“He said you filed a report against him.”
“I did.”
“What the hell, Rachel?” Lauren shouts while leaning away from me, tossing her hands up in the air while she circles around. “How could you do that?”
My mouth hangs open. She has to be freaking kidding me? What does she mean ‘how’? I clamp my mouth shut, trying to think of something to say, but I’m too angry. All I want to do is stamp my feet and scream at her for be a freaking idiot and a jerk.
“He might get expelled,” Lauren continues. “Don’t you understand what that means for him?”
I roll my eyes. “Good riddance,” I spit.
I turn around, not wanting to listen to anymore of her bullshit. Why should I care what happens to him after all the crap he’s put me through?
“Rachel!” I hear Lauren shout, feel her hand on my shoulder yanking me back.
I whirl around. “What Lauren? What more do we have to talk about?”
Lauren’s mouth opens, but I don’t wait for an answer as I say, “What he did to me was disgusting!”
“He didn’t-”
“Yes, he did, Lauren,” I say while shoving her hand off me. “And the sooner you realize that, the better.” I cross my arms in front of me while I look her up and down. I shake my head. “I thought we were friends Lauren.” I sniff, noticing tears are coming to my eyes as I watch Lauren’s mouth open and close. I shrug. “I guess not.”
I turn around and don’t wait for an answer. I continue on to my class, opening the door and briskly walking to my usual seat. I dump my bag onto the floor and quickly wipe the tears from my eyes. I don’t need Lauren, I tell myself while quickly grabbing my sketchbook and pencils. If she’s acting like this now, then she never was a friend; just someone to hang out with.
Who needs her?
Looking around, I notice Josh isn’t in his normal seat, sitting across from me. My attention turns to the door, waiting for him to stroll inside, maybe send me a dark scowl given the new situation. The door opens and my breath stalls, but instead of his dark head, a group of giggling girls enter followed by Mr. Brown.
“Alright, my fellow artists,” calls Mr. Brown while striding towards his desk. He dumps his bag onto his table and I watch as several folders and papers slide from the opening and spill onto the desk. “Let’s get started, shall we?”
I turn away from the door, realizing with a soft smile that Josh must not be coming today. Maybe it has something to do with the report I filed against him? Or maybe he doesn’t want to see my face? Either way, I feel like things are getting even better for me.
Mr. Brown grabs a letter that slips out from his bag and his gaze locks with mine. Striding towards me, he sets the letter onto my desk, giving me a knowing look before turning back to the class.
“Can everyone please take out their projects for today?” Mr. Brown says while I grab the letter and rip it open.
My eyes widen as I quickly skim the contents.
I got the internship.
I’m going to Paris.