“Coming!” I call back, tears prickling my eyes.
I don’t want to go. Not when she sounds so good. I don’t know when I will be able to get a chance like this again. “Mom,” I say, my voice coming out as a croak. I close my eyes and force the tears down. “I have to go. Talk to you later?”
“Of course, sweetie. Have fun! I love you.”
My bottom lip trembles and I clear my throat. “I love you, too.”
I hang up and slide my phone back into my bag. Closing my locker door, a dark memory infiltrates itself into my mind, whispering to me that I will probably never speak to her again. That was your last time, the voice whispers while I walk down the hall towards an angry looking coach.
You will never speak to her again.
As I enter the football field and find my place on the bench, my hands fist and I can’t help myself from wondering if Jerry and Drew are having a party tonight.
Cheers surround me and my teammates high five each other, but all I can feel is dread and remorse as I type the words: party tonight?
My eyes remain glued to my phone, waiting for Drew’s reply. He’s seen the message, but I don’t see the usual dots signaling his typing. I don’t know how long I remain like that, staring down at my phone, waiting. The cheers lesson. The laughter subsides and soon it’s just me standing in the locker room, probably looking absolutely stupid with my shirt off, staring at my phone.
No reply.
I throw my phone into my bag, hating myself for even bothering. Of course they wouldn’t message me back after last time. I drag on my shirt, hissing as I feel another sharp stab in my shoulder. Grimacing, I throw off my pants and shin guards, shoving my garments with more force than need be into my bag. I can’t message Millie. She’s definitely had enough of me. My teammates would have asked me by now if I wanted to go party with them.
I should be partying with them.
We just won a big game. Why didn’t they invite me out with them?
Probably because you’ve pushed everyone away.
I heave a sigh and stare at my phone lying at the top, willing it to vibrate. I know I should just go home. I should rest, maybe call my mom.
Maybe ask Lucas if I can borrow his car and go see her. It’s not like I go to my classes anyway and I’m sure the bros and Rachel are sick of me. We could use the space. I could use the time with my mom.
My phone lights up and it vibrates. I lunge for it, sliding the screen up. My heart slams in my chest and a giddy rush makes my hands shake as I smile down at the message from Drew.
Bring money. Meet at Harper St. 22, it reads.
I type a quick response back while slamming my door shut. I nearly skip down the hallway. My body quivers and I grind my teeth as I anticipate the party, the drugs, the moment of escape I so need right now.
I throw the doors open and escape out into the chilled air. I look both ways, finding several people still in the lot, passing around a bottle of booze. Most of the lot is empty. Everyone must be in the bars or at a house party. I type in the address into my phone and make a note to stop off at an ATM along the way.
“Hey, Hunter!”
I frown and turn around. My frown deepens as I see Lucas, Seth, and Rachel striding towards me. Seth has gone all out and has his face painted in Aurora’s school colors while Rachel is wearing Seth’s university jacket. Lucas is wearing an Aurora university sweater underneath his long black coat.
All of them frown at me.
“Dude, we’ve been waiting forever,” says Seth. “What took you so long?”
“I didn’t know you were waiting.”
“We always go party together after the big game,” says Lucas.
Rachel smiles brightly up at me. “I was think we could go get some burgers.”
“I have other plans,” I say while slowly turning around.