“No, Millie. I don’t. Although, maybe you’re that type of girl. Tossing a toy to the side once you get bored, then getting jealous when someone else decides to pick it up and play with it.”

Millie blinks at me. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

I sigh while crossing my arms. “Now that. I can definitely believe.”

Millie releases Hunter and steps towards me, but I refuse to back down. I jut out my chin as she stands in my face, waiting and ready for whatever she has to throw at me. “You do realize, Hunter will dump you eventually,” she says, her voice low just for me to hear.

“I highly doubt that.”

“Oh, really?” she asks with a mocking bright smile. “Then why was he here on Saturday? Why was he with me and not with you?”

I open my mouth, about to yell at her to keep her slimy hands off my man when I feel something on my shoulder. I whirl around, tempted to yell at whomever it is to leave me alone, when I stop and practically deflate as my gaze locks with Seth, who looks worried.

“Hey, is everything okay?” He asks while wrapping his arms around me. “You look upset,” he whispers in my ear.

“Just Millie being Millie.”

“Hey, Seth!” I hear Millie call behind me.

Seth rolls his eyes, not bothering to reply to her as he takes my hand and pulls me into the kitchen. “Join us,” says Seth with a smile. “You can be on my team.”

I smile back at him and nod. I take my place between Seth and Lucas at the table while beers are being refilled for Flip Cup. I try to have fun. I try to keep my mind off Hunter as we continue to play and take shots. My mind is growing fuzzy, but I can’t deny after a few drinks, I’m feeling quite buzzed and happy.

After the fourth game of Flip Cup, Seth goes to stand in line at the toilet while Lucas and I wait for him in the living room. The couches are covered with girls and jocks making out while the middle of the floor is filled with people grinding against each other. Lucas and I lean against the wall, holding each other’s hands as we wait for Seth, which I suspect will take at least an hour at this rate since there’s only one bathroom in the whole place.

“So,” I start, trying to form words in my sluggish brain. “How was your poetry class? It’s near the art department, isn’t it?”

Lucas nods vigorously, but then grimaces. “I was late.”

I chuckle. “On the first day.”

“Yeah, my dad called and tried to get me to drop the class.”

I scoff. “Like that will ever happen.”

Lucas sighs. “I don’t know. Maybe he’s right.” His gaze slides to the floor.

“Why do you say that?” I grab his chin and lift his face up so I can look into his dark eyes. “I thought you were excited for that class?”

“I am or,” Lucas makes a face, “was. I don’t know. I just feel like I’m wasting time. It’s just a stupid hobby anyway. It’s not like I can make a career of it.”

I shrug. “You never know. There are lots of famous writers out there.”

Lucas levels a look at me. “And how many are rich?”

I nod while making a face. “Not many.” I place a hand on Lucas’s shoulder. “But being wealthy isn’t everything.”

Lucas chuckles. “You say that, because you’ve never had money.”

I scowl and stab a long nail into his shoulder, earning a hiss. “True,” I say while he bats my hand away. “But still. You should shoot for your dreams.” I watch Lucas nod, yet I can tell something else is eating away at him. “Why are you having all this self doubt now?”

He sighs and runs a hand through his dark hair. “I don’t know. I guess… there’s a writing contest going on and I just don’t think I’m any good.”

“Well, how do you know? You’ve never shared your work with anyone but me.” I stroke the side of his face as I say, “I think your poetry is brilliant.”

Lucas rolls his eyes. “That’s because you like me.”

I shake my head. “Nah. That’s not it.”