I frown while looking around at the house filled with drunk jocks pounding back shots and beers while Millie’s girlfriends continued watching me with glares and scrutinizing looks. This is truly the last thing I wanted to do on my first Monday back at school. However, once Hunter mentioned “Millie” I couldn’t let him go on his own.
Honestly, I was, and I am, very jealous.
I spent the whole walk here analyzing my fight with Hunter and the reason why he showed up in the middle of the afternoon on Sunday; knowing now he was most likely at a party with Millie and definitely not at the gym. And honestly, I did not buy the whole ‘football practice was let out early’ crap Hunter had told me earlier today.
Something is up.
I can feel it in my bones.
I glance at Hunter, watching him pound back his beer before grabbing another. Lucas and Seth are supposed to be around here somewhere, but I think they got sucked into a Flip Cup Tournament. I was hoping they would keep an eye on Hunter, but I guess they decided to have their own fun. Which is what I should be doing now.
Looking at Hunter now, I frown. He looks like shit and I can tell he’s lost weight. His face looks more angular even under the scruff marring his usually smooth-shaven face. And sure, I think Hunter looks handsome no matter what he does with his body, but this is not a good look for him.
And I’m finding myself despising this new Hunter.
Where is the man I developed feelings for last year? I want to ask him, but he won’t answer so what’s the point. The best I can do now is just go to these parties with him and make sure he doesn’t get into trouble.
Which is easier said than done.
“Hey!” Hunter shouts and I turn, seeing two strange-looking men approaching him.
One is tall and thin, looking in his mid-thirties with straggly brown hair and a scowl on his face while the other is thicker around the gut with a heavyset face and short blonde hair. The pudgy man smiles at Hunter while clapping him on the back, his eyes sliding towards me.
“Who is this?” He asks while gesturing towards me.
I already don’t like him.
I can’t quite place my finger on it, but there’s something wrong about the man. It’s not his face, not his smile or the clothes he wears, which are simple sweatpants with an Aurora hoodie. The guy must be dying with all these bodies swirling between us.
No, it has nothing to do with that.
Something about his aura has me on guard and I don’t like the way the fat man’s friend keeps scowling at every passerby.
“Drew, this is Rachel,” says Hunter while setting a hand on my shoulder. His voice is cheerful, yet I can tell Hunter is pushing himself. He looks absolutely exhausted. I have no clue why he felt the need to come out and party when it’s obvious he feels like shit.
I would have said something earlier, but I don’t want to get my head bitten off, which seems to be happening more and more when it comes to Hunter.
“Ah, the famous Rachel,” says Drew while taking my hand and kissing my knuckles.
I suppress a shudder and the need to gag while I force a smile. “You’ve heard about me?”
“Hunter couldn’t stop talking about you,” says Drew while shoving his shoulder playfully against Hunter’s. I watch Hunter inhale deeply, keeping his cool while he slowly turns around and touches his shoulder with a shaking hand. He can pretend all he wants that he’s fine, but I can tell he’s in pain.
I’m about to ask how the two know each other when I see Millie saunter through the crowded hallway, her eyes locked on Hunter before they slide over to me. She smiles wickedly before moving around Drew. My gaze narrows on her while her hands slide up Hunter’s shoulders before wedging herself between us.
“Hey, Hunter,” she says sweetly. “I’m so happy you made it.” She glances at me, her eyes flicking over my jeans and my simple green shirt. Sure, I could have dressed in a tight dress or a short skirt, but it’s cold and after a day like today, all I want to wear is something cozy.
I scowl at Millie as she presses her breasts against Hunter’s arm, which are barely covered in her lilac sweater with an extremely low neckline. She’s wearing a denim skirt and knee-high boots, looking absolutely perfect with her perfect make up and her perfect hair. Then here I am, probably looking like an absolute mess.
I try to calm myself down. I don’t need to try. I’m beautiful the way I am. And besides, Hunter cares about me. He pretty much said that when we were doing it. Well, he said he wants me. I shake my head. That’s pretty much the same thing in bro language. Right?
“I see Rachel tagged along,” says Millie while offering me a fake smile. “I guess you got bored of your whole picture thing. Can’t say I blame you.”
I smile my best fake smile while stepping towards her. “No, I’m still doing photography, Millie. I just wanted to have a night out.”
Millie nods while her brows furrow. Her bottom lip sticks out into a pout. I’m seriously two seconds away from ripping her arms off my boyfriend. “I see. You’re that type of girl.” She looks up at Hunter, who’s busy talking with Drew and not even paying attention to her. “You can’t let Hunter out to play. Gotta follow along wherever he goes.”