I smile as we approach the apartment and nearly throw myself out of the SUV when Lucas finishes parking. I don’t even bother to grab my suitcase, choosing to run across the street and bolt up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. Digging in my coat pockets for the keys I jam them into the keyhole, wondering if Hunter is lounging in the living room or playing Mario Kart.
He must still be angry with me.
He hasn’t answered any of my texts.
“Rachel!” I hear Seth call from below. “A little help here would be nice.”
I ignore him as I throw open the door. “Hunter,” I call, but frown when I see the couch empty and the lights off. The door to his room is slightly ajar and I pad towards it, knocking on it slightly while murmuring, “Hunter.”
His backpack is in the corner. Clothes are strewn all over the floor, but the bed is empty. I sigh, my shoulders slumping while I turn around, striding out of his room and listening for the sound of the shower running. However, I hear nothing and when I push the bathroom door open, I find it empty.
He’s not here.
I blink back the tears and take a deep breath. It’s four in the afternoon. He’s probably in the gym or at football practice, I tell myself. However, I can’t help but feel like something is wrong. I can’t help but wonder why he isn’t here. Is he really still mad at me?
I don’t even know what I did wrong.
“Alright, you’re shit’s here,” gasps Seth while throwing my suitcase inside. His shoulders heave while he wipes the sweat from his brow. “What the hell did you pack in that thing?”
I smile and walk towards him. “Just everything I need.” I wrap my arms around his neck and place a chaste his on his lips. “Thanks for hauling it up.”
Seth scowls at me, but I know he’s just teasing. “Next time, you do it. I’m not your bell boy.”
I giggle while patting his cheek. “Nope, you definitely are not.”
“Is Hunter here?” asks Lucas while he shoves his body inside the door, carrying several bags and a large suitcase behind him.
I shake my head. “No. I think he’s at the gym.”
At least I hope so.
Lucas nods. “It’s probably for the best. He just needs to blow off some steam.”
Seth nods in agreement. “Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about it.”
Lucas kicks the door close and I grab my suitcase, dragging it behind me to my old room. I push the door open, smiling at the dingy place I now call home. Fairy lights are strung up around my desk with a cork board propped up against the wall. Different photos of me and the bros, the campus, and me and the girls are pinned to it. The chair wobbles as I drop my body in it, spinning myself around and near tumbling out of it. I still need to either replace the leg or buy a new chair altogether. Little light enters from the tiny window. The sun is beginning to set, but I still have so much to do.
I grab my cell from my coat pocket and send a text to my group chat with Lauren and Charlie: Hey ladies!!! I’m back!! Let’s say coffee tomorrow at the Coffee Shop?
Not even a minute goes by and I receive at text from Charlie: I’m game, gurl! 2pm sharp!
I chuckle and read the next message from Lauren: Ooooh! Coffee. Sounds great :)
It will be nice to chitchat with the girls again. I have so much to tell them about New York and the ski trip. I lay my cellphone on my desk before turning to my mighty suitcase, wanting to search for my charger.
As I unzip it I wonder if I should bring up Hunter to my girlfriends. Maybe they could give me some advice on what to do. I can’t decide if I should give him some space, or throw myself at him. Although, the latter idea is something I have pretty much decided on, a part of me knows neediness tends to drive men away.
Maybe just letting him be is the best for now.
My head perks up as I hear the door slam close and I drop whatever garments I have in my hands and quickly stumble out of my room. I don’t know why, but I’m practically running for the door. “Hunter?” I call, a large smile on my face.
I stop when I see someone in the kitchen, his head hanging over the sink while he guzzles down several gulps of water. He looks like Hunter. He definitely acts like Hunter. Yet, is he Hunter? His hands tremble as he turns off the water and wipes the liquid from his mouth. His long blonde hair looks greasy and lusterless and hangs over his eyes, which turn to me, looking shadowed and bloodshot.
“Hey, Rachel,” he says awkwardly, turning his gaze to the floor while leaning against the countertop. “What’s up?”
He doesn’t look like he’s been to the gym at all. And he’s only wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Did he just get in? I wonder before asking myself, where’s his coat?