Lucas eyes psycho roommate up and down as if he has other things on his mind. I feel my eyes squinting at him in an absolute failure of a scowl and I move to stand next to psycho girl, silently cursing myself for acting so annoyingly possessive. I glance down at her. Yeah, she is definitely easy on the eyes. Could smile a bit more though.

“On your marks!” Shouts Seth, bending down into a starting position. “Get set!”

I roll my shoulders and get into my sprinting position.


I bolt, feeling the wind whipping through my blonde hair. Seth is in front of me, which is no surprise. My stomach lurches and I feel bile in my throat.Don’t you dare vomit.Seth hits the sign right before me and turns on his heel, making a mad dash back to the apartment. Lucas is right behind me, and pyscho girl on his heels. I’m actually surprisedshe’s doing so well. I tap the sign and dash back towards the apartment, nearly running into Seth.

“Let’s go Lukie!” Seth hollers.

“Shut the fuck up!” A neighbor without a shirt on shouts from a window above us.

“No, you shut the fuck up!” Shouts Seth while I give the asshole above us the finger.

I turn around, seeing psycho girl about to surpass him. “Go, go, go!” I shout. “Come on!” I don’t even know who I’m rooting for. Lukie, or psycho girl?

Lucas’s arms pump harder and soon he’s leaving psycho girl behind, running across our imaginary finish line. Psycho girl follows after, gasping for breath and leaning over as if she has just run a marathon.

“Breakfast!” Seth shouts, bounding up the stairs. “Breakfast! Breakfast!” He turns around and shouts from the staircase, “You lose, psycho bitch!”

She follows after us, walking slowly as if there are weights attached to each leg. “This isn’t fair,” she grumbles.

Seth throws himself onto the couch, leaning his head back in the cushions. “I want French toast,” he murmurs, already falling asleep.

“An egg white omelet for me,” says Lucas, falling onto the couch next to Seth.

I rub my shoulder, trying to get the kinks out of it. I really don’t need my shoulder giving out on me today in practice. Our first game is on Saturday, and I really need it up and working.

Psycho roommate whirls around to face me. “And what do you want?”

I scowl back at her. It’s not my fault she sucks at sports and I’m in no mood to be treated so rudely. “Coffee,” I growl, towering over her.

She shifts nervously in front of me, her mouth opening to say something, but she quickly closes it and turns her attention to the kitchen.Yeah, that’s what I thought. I whip out my cell phone, turning to my bedroom and closing the door lightly. I am immediately greeted by the smell of sweat permeating off my gym clothes lying in piles around my bed and dresser. I open a window and lean against the wall next to it, inhaling the fresh air deeply to keep my stomach steady. Pressing the dial button, I listen to the rings, hoping she answers. I look at the clock on my dresser, flashing 5am. It’s early in the morning, but I know she’s an early riser.


I smile at the sound of her voice. “Hey Mom, how are you?”



I sniff, shoving my hands into my pockets to keep them from punching the air. I try to ignore my roommate’s laughter echoing in my head and shake it to keep myself from remembering this morning.Why did I have to open my door? Would they have kept banging it incessantly?


But eventually they would have stopped and gone to bed. Better a few moments of torture rather than serving them as their slave.


And that race. What the hell?I don’t even know why I agreed to something so stupid. Honestly, it was just to stop Seth from going on and on, and for a moment I genuinely thought I was going to win.

Only to realize that stupid asshole, Lucas was just playing with me.

“What the hell is this?” I remember Lucas scowling down at me, holding out his plate as if I served him vomit rather than the egg white omelet he demanded.

I don’t know how to make an egg white omelet! Hell, I barely cook!