“It’s daytime,” I said. “The brick thing happened in the middle of the night, and I told him I’d stay at the new house after work.”

“Well, he’s taking another precaution.” He shrugged, unconcerned. “He said he put my number into your phone.”

“Er, yeah, he did.”

“Good. He wants me to stick close to you while he’s gone.”

“Stick close,” I repeated.


“That’s not really going to work for me,” I said.

“Sorry, I’ve got orders.”



“Is there steam coming out of my ears?”


“That was a rhetorical question,” I snapped.

He held up his hands.

I turned around and marched back inside.

“So?” Jazz raised her brows. “What’s with the leathery shadow?”

“Slash ordered Duke to watch out for me while he’s gone. Especially while I’m here at the bakery.”


“He didn’t even ask me,” I fumed.

“What would you have said? If he’d told you one of his boys was going to watch over you while he was gone?”

“I would’ve said no.”

“Uh huh.” She smirked. “You can pretend to be upset all you want, but I think you like it.”

“Like what?” I asked with a snort.

“The fact that he cares enough about you to want to ensure you’re safe because he’s not here to do it himself.”

“He can’t ensure I’m safe every hour of every day even when he’s here,” I pointed out. “And what’s he going to do when he gets back into town? Huh? He can’t stand guard while I’m here all the time just because a brick came through our window. Things happen. The world isn’t perfect.”

“Speaking of which, I talked to Brielle. She’s still trying to find out everything she can about Kurt Antol.”

“Did you tell her we’ll pay her in frosting?”

“And raw cookie dough.”

“Oh,” I said. “That reminds me.” I went to my purse which hung on the wall rack in the office. “I have cash for the pizza.”

“You don’t have to—”