The amount of money three rooms of furniture cost made my head spin. And when Slash handed over his credit card, I was even more light-headed.

“When can that be delivered?” Slash asked.

“In about a week,” Debbie said, sliding his card through the machine. “We don’t store anything more than the floor models in the showrooms here. It all comes from our warehouse. The bedroom furniture can be delivered tomorrow, though. If you don’t mind your furniture coming in at different times.”

“That would be fine,” Slash said as he signed the credit card slip.

“Thanks for your help, Debbie,” I said to her.

“My pleasure. Enjoy your new furniture.”

Slash took my hand and led me toward the elevator. I made him stop so I could look at the directory.

“What are you doing?” Slash asked.

“We’re making another stop before we leave here.”

“Where are we going?”

“To the men’s floor.”


“Why?” I raised my brows. “Because you just bought a six-drawer dresser, and you don’t have enough clothes to fill it.”

“I don’t need any more clothes.”

I placed my hands on my hips. “If you don’t buy clothes with me now, I’ll just buy you clothes by myself later, except you’ll have no say.”

“You don’t know what size jeans I wear.”

“I’ll look at the tag after you go to sleep and buy them for you.”

“Why does it bother you that I don’t have that many clothes?”

“Because I won’t feel comfortable living in a rental with furniture you bought, driving a car you bought, when you don’t even have enough things to fill a drawer.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “This is important to you.”

I nodded.

“Fine. But I’m not going overboard.”


“I don’t knowhow I let you talk me into all this,” Slash said, looking at the Folson’s bags that were currently in the corner of my apartment. “Oh wait, I remember.”

“I’m a woman and I used my wiles,” I teased.

“Wiles? You burst into the changing room while I was naked.”

And I’d dropped to my knees because I couldn’t stand not having him in my mouth.

“You were easily persuaded after that,” I quipped.

“I didn’t take you for a woman who likes to get down and dirty in public.”

“There were a lot of things I didn’t think I’d be into before you came along,” I said. “Are you hungry?”