“Someone threw a brick through the front window,” he explained.

“A brick?” I asked, perplexed.

“Yeah. I need you to turn off the alarm. Is it one those alarms that alerts the cops when it goes off?”



“Good? What do you meangood?”

“I mean, good. I don’t like cops.”

I blew out a breath and then slipped into a pair of flip-flops.

“Ah, maybe you should put on a shirt and some pants?” I suggested.

He scratched his pec. “Maybe I should.”

A few minutes later, silence descended over the bakery. I went to investigate the broken window. Shards of glass littered the floor along with a thick red brick that had caused the destruction. My body began to shake and quiver. Tears weren’t far behind.

Slash pulled me into his arms and pressed my head to his chest. We stood like that until I heard the rumble of a few motorcycles.

I looked up at Slash.

He smiled down at me. “I called some of the boys.”


“So they can board up your window until tomorrow when it can get fixed. We know a ton of people in town who do various jobs. Glass isn’t going to be a problem.”

“Oh, wow. Okay, I know you don’t like cops, but shouldn’t we call them to file a report?” I asked.

“No. You have a camera security feed?”

“Yeah. Of course.”

“I’ll bet you ten bucks you won’t see anything of use on there. If there is, we can call the cops. Promise.”

With a sigh, I pulled back from him and removed my phone from my jeans pocket. I unlocked it and opened the app that fed into the security feed. Slash had been correct. There was only a shadowy lone figure out front of the bakery, and after they threw the brick, they dashed out of sight.

“I don’t get it,” I mumbled. “Why would someone do this? It seems… I don’t know. Like why didn’t they try and steal anything?”

I looked at Slash, who was rubbing his jaw in thought. “I don’t think the purpose of this was a smash and grab.”

“Then what was the point?” I demanded. “Sheer fun to destroy something that isn’t theirs?”

There was a knock on the back door, and Slash went to answer it. I shook my head. I felt like I was missing something.

Were any other storefronts vandalized tonight or had I been the only one?

Slash returned to the front room with two Blue Angels, who I immediately recognized.

“Hey, Brooklyn,” Savage greeted as Duke followed him into the room.

“Hey,” I said. “Thanks for coming, guys.”

Slash grabbed my hand and then addressed Savage and Duke. “You guys fix the window when you can. Text me when it’s done.”