“Six.” She puffed her chest out like she was proud of her answer. Her eyes darted from me to Slash. She stepped back when she saw him. I quickly glanced at him. His eyes were warm as they looked at her, but he didn’t say anything.

She was scared of him, I realized.

“Lily, do you know Slash?” I asked.

“He’s new.”

I moved to his side and wrapped my arm around his waist. “He’s actually really nice—he just looks scary.”

“Why does he have a scar on his face?” Lily asked me. Children and tact did not go hand in hand.

“Ask him,” I said to her. “I’m sure he’ll tell you.”

We both looked to Slash, who appeared pensive. Finally, he said, “Are you brave enough to hear the story?”

Lily nodded eagerly.

“You’ve heard of Tarzan, haven’t you?” he inquired.


“I’m Tarzan.”

Her eyebrows went to her hairline. “You’reTarzan?”

“Yep.” He touched the scar on his forehead. “This came from fighting a jaguar in the jungle.”


Slash nodded.

“Prove it,” she said. “Prove you’re Tarzan.”

“How am I going to prove it?” Slash asked, rubbing his jaw.

“Do the Tarzan call,” Lily commanded. “Pound on your chest.”

Slash glanced at me, a wry smile on his lips. “You might want to back up and give me some space.”

I held up my hands and stepped away.

A moment later, Slash pounded on his chest, the famous Tarzan call booming through the kitchen. Lily covered her ears from the sound, and the two boys came running into the kitchen.

Slash fell silent.

“What was that?” the Mia’s son asked.

Lily’s eyes were wide when she pointed and said, “Slash is Tarzan!”


“She likes you,”I said to Slash as he held open the car door for me.


“Lily.” I grinned. “I think she might have a crush on you.”

He snorted. “I’m just glad she’s not afraid of me anymore.” Slash closed the door and went to the driver’s side and climbed in. “You handled it well. The situation, I mean.”