Slash gently slid his lips across mine. Just a taste, just a tease. But it made my hands grip the counter. I wanted to spread my legs and cradle him against me.

His hand grasped the back of my neck. “Look at me, Brooklyn.”

My lids fluttered opened and I stared up into his hazel eyes.

Suddenly, he smiled.

I didn’t know what that smile meant.

“You’ve played this game before,” I commented.

“This isn’t a game. Not this time.”


“Thank you, thank you, thank you,”Mrs. Harmon said as she hugged me to her. “The cake was unbelievable.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” I said, my insides ready to burst with happiness.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve already shared your name with a few of the guests here.”

“You’re a godsend!” I said as I squeezed her hand.

“I hope you have so much business that you have to expand and hire help,” she said.

“You and me both.”

She cocked her head to the side and then took another bite of the chocolate teddy bear cake. “Your skin is absolutely radiant.”

I hastily touched my cheek in embarrassment. “Ah, thanks.”

“What’s your secret?”

“Oh, um, I wash my face with witch hazel,” I lied. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to help Jazz clean up.”

She was in the kitchen of Mrs. Harmon’s home, and she was scrubbing out the sink with the sponge.

“How’s it going out there?” she asked.

“Fine. Mrs. Harmon is another satisfied customer. She gave our names to a few guests.”

“Excellent.” She set the sponge aside and then dried her hands with a dishrag.

We loaded up the hatchback of Jazz’s old Mazda, which not only looked better than my car but gave us more room.

Still, the catering van couldn’t be finished quickly enough. The business was growing, and soon we’d outgrow Jazz’s vehicle as well.

We said goodbye to Mrs. Harmon and settled into the car.

“Whew, I’m wiped,” Jazz said. She looked at me. “You look like you could use a nap.”

“Boy could I,” I admitted.

Dinner with Slash the night before hadn’t gone late, but when I’d climbed into bed, my mind had replayed everything on repeat.

My life was changing at a rapid-fire pace, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for it. Would I ever be ready for it?

“Heard from Slash yet?” Jazz asked, as if she could read minds.