“Did you say something?” Slash asked.

“Oh, uh, no. Just muttering to myself,” I said hastily. “Ignore me.”

The hostess brought us to a table in the corner, perfectly tucked away with a measure of privacy. I wasn’t sure if I was grateful for it or not. Being alone with Slash seemed like a bad idea for my resolve. Especially after the way he’d looked at me, his gaze making his desire plain as day.

“Your server will be with you in just a moment,” the hostess said as she handed us our menus.

“Thanks,” I said.

She walked away, leaving me alone with Slash.

Alone with the father of my child.

I put the menu up high enough that I couldn’t see Slash’s face.

A moment later, his finger touched the top of the menu and gently pushed it down, so I was forced to look at him.

“Hi,” he said with a slight smile.


“You look nice.”

I swallowed. “Thank you.”

“You’re nervous.”

I nodded.


A server approached the table, preventing me from having to answer. “Good evening. My name is Danny, and I’ll be your server. What can I get you to drink?”

“Water, please,” I said.

“Sure. And for you, sir?” Danny looked at Slash.

“Same,” Slash replied.

“Great, I’ll be right back with those.” Danny left, and I was once again left with Slash’s intense stare.

“You didn’t answer my question,” he said.

“We were interrupted.”

“We’re alone now. Why are you nervous, Brooklyn? We’ve already slept together. I’ve already seen you naked. You’re pregnant with my child, for Christ’s sake.”

“Shut up!” I hissed.

Danny returned with our waters and set them down in front of us. “Are y’all ready to order?”

“Oh. Not yet.” I hastily glanced back at the menu.

“We’ll start with an appetizer while we figure out what we want for dinner,” Slash said. “Brooklyn?”


“What do you want for an appetizer?”