There was no way I was pregnant because the last time I got my period was…



Are you fucking kidding me?

* * *

“This isn’t part of your job description,” I mumbled, taking the juice box from Doc’s hand.

“Not technically, no. But I’ve always been a bit unusual for a doctor.”

I grasped the tiny straw in its plastic sleeve and ripped it open. I tried to shove it into the foil-covered hole, but the straw kept bending. As I grew more and more frustrated, my motions became erratic.

“Let me,” she said, jumping forward and taking the juice from me. With one easy move, she accomplished what I couldn’t.

I took it back from her and put the straw to my mouth.

“I’m guessing this is a bit of a surprise?” she asked gently.

I nodded.

“And the father…is he in the picture?”

I shook my head no.

“I see.”

“I think I’m going to throw up.”

Doc was off her stool and reaching for the trash can just in the nick of time. She held it under my face, and when I was finished, she set it aside and handed me a tissue. I wiped my lips and sucked down apple juice to remove the taste of bile and terror from my mouth.

“I’m pretty sure that was nerves and not actual morning sickness,” I commented. I shook my head. “Jesus, I can’t even wrap my head around this. How? Just how? This is my payback for having the only one-night stand of my entire life.”

I was blabbing, spewing words because Doc was there, and I needed help processing.

I’m going to have a baby.

I wasn’t ready to have a baby. I wasn’t settled. My business was on the verge of failing. I lived in a tiny apartment over the bakery. There was hardly enough room for me. What about a crib? Where was the crib going to go?

I’m alone. Oh my God, I’m alone.

“I need prenatal vitamins,” I blurted out.

“I’ll prescribe them.”

“Thanks.” We both fell silent for a moment, and then I said, “I’m still sitting here, aren’t I?”

“Yes.” She smiled softly.

“I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this. I work sixty hours a week. I live in an apartment over my bakery. I don’t have health insurance.”

I’m terrified.

“The clinic offers services,” Doc said gently. “We have a wonderful OB-GYN. We can help. Wewantto help. That’s why I built this clinic—to help.”

“Youbuilt this clinic?” I asked in surprise.