“Slash, just hit the damn thing,” I said with a laugh.

“Yeah, Slash,” Lily said. “Just hit the damn thing.”

“Your wish is my command, Lily Burger.” Slash took the bat from Cam. We all backed up to give him room. Slash swung and the head of the unicorn almost came off entirely. A few good swings later, the unicorn was completely devastated and pink confetti rained down.

“No candy?” Lily asked, her expression falling.

“I’m with Lily,” Slash said. “That was fun, but I don’t really get the point.”

I placed a hand on my belly. “We wanted to find out the sex of the baby, remember?”

Slash frowned. “Yeah, so?”

My hand went to the remains of the pink confetti on the ground, and I held a piece up to him. “We’re having a girl.”

“A girl?” he asked, his voice sounding hoarse.

“We’re having a girl!” I yelled.

People clambered to hug and congratulate us. We were swarmed by friends and family, but somehow, in the sea of people, Slash and I managed to make eye contact. His smile was so wide he looked ready to burst.

“I still wish there was candy,” Lily said.

“Lily, sometimes life isn’t about you,” Darcy said, clearly trying to corral her daughter.

Lily put her hands on her hips. “But I’m a biker princess. And princesses always get what they want. Don’t they, Uncle Boxer?”

Boxer swept Lily up into his arms. “Right-o, Lily Burger.”

Linden sighed. “There went my ovaries.”

I looked at Slash. “Today’s a really good day.”

* * *

“There’s still some shading I have to do,” Virgil said, taking a sip of his beer. “But his ink is almost done. What do you think about it?”

“I think you did a fantastic job—and I can’t wait to get my own,” I said.

Virgil grinned. “I call dibs. It’s always so cool to do someone’s first piece.”

“Nah, bro, this one’s mine,” Roman said.

“Rock, Paper, Scissors?” Virgil suggested.

“We’re back to this discussion? I thought this was my decision?” I drawled.

“Okay, you pick,” Roman said, slinging his arm around his younger brother’s shoulders.

“I choose Homer.”

“He’s not even here to make a case for why he’s the best,” Roman noted. “Where the hell did he go, anyway?”

“You know Homer,” Virgil said. “I’m surprised he even came to your wedding. No offense.”

“None taken.”

I discreetly looked around, noting that Jazz was missing, too.