“Man, I’ve got to learn to bake,” Joni muttered, splaying a hand across her expansive belly. “It’s the only way to account for any loyalty around here.”

“You’re going to share your cake, right?” Waverly asked Lily.

“Maybe,” she said to the older girl, looking at her with hero worship. “If you paint my nails.”

“You’re good at milking this,” Waverly said. “Ask your mom.”

Lily looked at Darcy, and before she could even open her mouth, Darcy said, “Anything goes except for black.”

“I’ve got red in my purse,” Waverly said.

Lily’s dress was pastel blue and she looked like a doll come to life, complete with angelic curls, pink cheeks, and a bright smile.

“I like red,” she said.

Waverly held out her hand to Lily and the two of them disappeared into the house.

“I’m digging your sister’s wardrobe choice,” Jazz said to Willa.

Willa sighed. “Yeah, it’s like emo meets biker chick, meets angry teenager.”

Waverly had worn a pink dress with a tulle ballet skirt, but she’d paired it with black sheer tights, motorcycle boots, and a black leather jacket Willa had bought her at Leather and Ink with her employee discount. “She wanted to wear fishnets, but I put my foot down.”

“Has she discovered black eyeliner yet?” Brielle asked.

“No. But it’s only a matter of time,” Willa said.

“I’ll see your teenage girl and raise you an almost-teenage boy,” Mia quipped.

“I can’t believe Silas brought a date,” Linden said with a laugh.

“It’s your fiancé’s fault.” Mia mock glared. “The poetry Silas recited to Lizzie was poetry he learned from Boxer.”

Linden looked confused. “Boxer doesn’t know any poetry.”

“I’m going to love you until the heavens stop the rain. And I’m going to love you, until the stars fall from the sky,” Mia recounted.

Linden blinked. “The Doors? Boxer taught Silas lyrics from The Doors?”

“Yep.” Mia raised her brows.

“I hereby dub thee, Silas Casanova,” Darcy said. “Thank God Cam still prefers a soccer ball to the opposite sex.”

“Silas also mentioned wanting to learn how to play the drums. He’s going to join a band, and we all know how that goes. I’m doomed,” Mia moaned.

“Drums are fine. It’s the guitarist you want to worry about,” Willa said.

Allison bounced baby Tank in her arms. “I’m glad mine is still in the spitting up all over women phase. I have a few more years yet before I’m where you are.”

Linden held out her arms. “Gimme that chunk.”

Allison handed over the baby to Linden who looked down at him with a soft smile on her lips.

No one said anything, but Mia and I exchanged a look.

Baby fever.

“Woman!” Slash called from across the lawn where he was standing with the Blue Angels. “When are we cutting that cake?”