Slash twisted off the white cap of the bottle and then poured liquid all over the blood-soaked pavement. A white foam formed immediately, and a rose-colored river of blood began to flow and then disappear.

I watched as Slash worked and realized there was more to this man than I fully understood, and that he really had thought of nothing else but my safety and protection. “Where’s he taking Kurt?”

“It’s better that you don’t know.”

“And I’m guessing I shouldn’t ask what’s going to happen to him?”

He shot me a long look that said plenty. I worked my lip through my teeth and then nodded. “Are you—do you want to yell at me? For coming here alone?”

“I’m the reason you weren’t thinking clearly.” His hand brushed my neck. “Still need to get you to Doc, okay?”

There were things we could say to each other later. When we were alone, when it was safe.

When Slash didn’t have literal blood on his hands.


“Everything looks perfect,”Linden said as she lifted the ultrasound wand off my belly. “Are you spotting? Do you have any cramping?”

“No.” My voice came out like a croak.

Slash’s expression darkened and his gaze went to my neck.

“Good,” Linden said. “He didn’t hit your stomach, and you didn’t ever lose consciousness. Your baby is safe.”

Slash had called Linden the moment we’d gotten into the car, and she and Boxer had met us at the clinic. They’d seen my neck and Slash’s bloody knuckles, but they hadn’t asked any questions. The priority was the baby.

“We’re okay,” I said to Slash, reaching my hand out to him.

He took it immediately.

“Slash, why don’t you talk to Boxer,” Linden said gently.

Slash brought my hand to his lips. His warm breath caressed my skin and he looked at me with everything he couldn’t say in his eyes.

I nodded. I knew how he felt. I knew the truth. And even though we hadn’t had the time and space for him to express it, I knew he truly loved me.

The door to the exam room closed and I was alone with Linden. She was in a pair of jeans and a sweater. She’d been asleep when we’d called.

“Thank you.” I reached my hand out to her and she took it.

“What happened?” she asked.

I quickly gave her the run down about Kurt and the pressure that he’d put me under to sell. I glossed over specifics and the play by play of why I’d wound up at the bakery and why Slash had a feeling I would go there.

“If Slash hadn’t…” I shuddered. “It happened so fast. One minute I was unlocking my car, the next Kurt was reaching in to grab me.”

“I noticed Slash’s knuckles,” Linden prodded.

“Yeah. He—I know he’s a biker. I know violence touches their—ourlives,” I corrected. “But seeing what he’s capable of…”

“Are you scared?”

I paused and then shook my head. “No. I’m not scared. Not of him. He’s never shown me that side of himself before. But, I don’t know, part of me is glad.”


“Yeah. I know he’d do anything to protect me.Anything.”