“Jesus Christ,” Brielle said. “We did it. We pulled off the wedding.”

“By the grace of God. Thanks for staying and wrapping up.”

“Please, it’s easy compared to what you did this week.”

I hugged her goodbye and then went into the kitchen to say goodbye to Connie and Eddie. I needed to have a discussion with them about hiring them permanently and wanted to reward them for the outstanding job they’d done. Good help was hard to find, and I wasn’t about to let them go.

The drive home was long and by the time I made it I was tired and ready for a nap. The house was quiet—Slash was out with Colt and Boxer.

I’d just finished changing into a clean pair of stretchy pants when I heard the rumble of his motorcycle and then it was silent. A moment later, the front door opened, and Slash came inside.

“You’re back,” he said in surprise. “You’re early.”

“Brielle is dealing with cleanup. So I bounced and now I’m about to relax. I’m not moving from that couch for hours.”

He came toward me and pulled me into his arms. “I guess that means you’re too tired to go out tonight.”

“Way too tired.”

“Even for Mexican?”

“I just spent a week in a luxury hotel eating room service.”

“That was necessity.”

I nibbled my lip.

“You can order all the guacamole in the restaurant,” he said with a grin.

I swiped the keys on the counter and tossed them at him. “You’re driving.”

* * *

“Happy?” he asked with a grin.

“The happiest,” I said, leaning back against the booth. “I can’t wait for food. Thank goodness for stretchy pants.” I placed my hand on my belly and sighed.

“You look good in stretchy pants,” he said.

“Oh yeah?”

“You look better naked, but spandex is a man’s best friend.”

I snorted. “What about leather?”

He looked me over, front the top of my head down, and nodded slowly. “Yeah. I’d like you in leather, but with your hair down and your arms wrapped around me on my bike. With my name inked on you.”

“You want your name inked on me?” I asked softly.

“Yeah, woman. I do.”


His grin was slow. “Guess.”

I pretended to think. “Hmm, my forearm.”
