“You told me you were sending an agent this morning. Well, I’m here, and now you’re callingat the appointment timetelling me you have to reschedule?” I seethed.

“Ma’am, I’m very sorry. It was a last-minute change and—”

“When’s the next available day someone can come out and assess the damage?” I demanded.

“Unfortunately, we’re booked the next two weeks. Do you want the next available appointment, or do you have a specific date in mind?”

I took a deep breath so I wouldn’t blow a gasket. “I’ll take the next available appointment.”

When I hung up, I tamped down the urge to throw my phone. I’d hauled my ass out of bed at the crack of dawn, and instead of spending the morning working on Imogene’s cake, I got stuck in traffic trying to get to the bakery to meet the insurance company agent and they had cancelled the appointment at the exact time it was supposed to begin.

Slash had followed me on his bike, and he was currently leaning against it in the parking lot, soaking up the warm morning sun.

I got out of the car and went to him.

“They on their way?” he asked.

“The fuckers canceled.”

I couldn’t see his eyes behind his aviators, but his jaw clenched. “Text me the name of your agent, number and the insurance company.”

I didn’t bother asking him why.

“They want to waste your fucking time, then I’ll make their life hell. You pay them for a Goddamn reason. They don’t get to fuck with you.”

“Don’t get me riled,” I said. “I’m already riled.” I quickly texted him the information. “By the way, any word about Kurt?”

“Still don’t have a lock on that. But I don’t want you to worry about it. I’ll handle it. You trust me?”

I nodded.

“Good.” He leaned in to kiss me. “I’ll be at the hotel by the time you’re done, yeah?”


My blood still hadn’t cooled by the time I made it to The Rex. I was several hours behind and would need to put in a brutal day, but I was fueled by anger, so I was glad for something to keep me busy.

“Should I get out the vanilla extract?” Waverly asked.

I nodded, my jaw clamped.

Her eyes immediately dimmed.

“Hey.” I sighed. “It’s not you. I’ve had a rotten morning.”

She smiled tentatively. “Okay.”

“Are you ready to learn how to make a tiered wedding cake?”

“Really? You trust me enough to let me help with the cake?”

“You’ve got steady hands,” I said with a grin. “You’ll either become a doctor or a cake decorator.”

“Ew, not a doctor. The idea of surgery wigs me out.”

Willa and Duke were side by side, standing close enough that their elbows were brushing. I discreetly looked at Savage who was with them, but he didn’t seem to notice.

“No Jazz today?” Darcy asked.