He didn’t say anything for a long time, and I finally met his gaze. His jaw was clenched and a muscle in his cheek began to tick.

“Slash?” I whispered.

He moved toward me so quickly I barely had time to register it before I was backed up against the counter, caged in his arms.

His hazel eyes glittered with resolve. “You’re lookin’ at the right weapon.”


I was sprawled across Slash,and he was trailing his fingers up and down my spine.

“How are you going to take care of it?” I asked, pressing my nose into his chest, not at all being discreet about smelling his warm, clean skin. We’d showered and he’d made me come twice before we even moved to the bed.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean do you have a game plan? How are you going to deal with Kurt?”

“I’m not going to deal with Kurt,” he said. “Kurt is nothing more than a low-level employee. Even the muscle, the guys they used to rip up the street and fuck with your business, those are low-level people, too. They’re not a danger if they don’t have directions from someone. I’m going to find the snake and cut off its head.” He tightened his arms around me.

“You surprised me,” I said softly.

“I did?”

“Yeah. Thought you’d yell. Stomp around. Show your anger.”

“That’s not how I am.”

Nodding, I brushed another kiss across his skin.

“I’m not soft,” he said quietly. “Don’t mistake my ability to keep a lid on my emotions as a sign of being weak.”

“On the contrary, keeping a reign on your emotions is a very hard thing. It’s easier to let them explode.”

He continued to stroke my spine and I was lulled into peace and safety.

“I used to be that way. Let my emotions rule over me and affect the lives of everyone around me. You feel better in the moment, but there’s this embarrassment that goes along with it. After a while you figure out that if you let your feelings get the better of you then you’re no better than a toddler, and then you’re left feeling like shit after the storm has passed.”

The lamp on the bedside was on and when I lifted my face from his chest, I could see his eyes, his expression.

“You’re constantly surprising me.”

“Good. It means I’ll stay interesting.” He stroked his hand up my back. “If you want, next time I’m concerned I can yell and punch walls.”

“Nah, I don’t think we need to bring that kind of drama into our lives.”

“Good. Like I said, I like to remain in control.”

“Though, make-up sex after fighting sounds like something I’d be into.”

He rolled me over onto my back. “All I heard was sex…”

* * *

The alarm on my phone blared and I shot out of bed like a bullet from a gun.

“What the fuck?” Slash muttered into his pillow. “What time is it?”
