“Hypothetical situation for you,” I began as I locked the front door and threw my purse down.

“I’m listening.”

“What if our daughter is a wild child and as a teenager, falls in with the wrong crowd and starts getting into trouble?”

“Never going to happen.”

“How can you say that? You don’t know what she’ll be like.”

“True. But she’ll have me as a dad.”


“Meaning I’ll be just as protective of her as I am of you. If she wants to try and get into shit, she has to go through me first.”

“You can’t see me, but I’m smiling so hard right now.”

He chuckled. “You know, if we had a boy first, he could be protective of her. Another pair of watchful eyes.”

“What if our son is the one who likes trouble?” I asked.

“Then we’re screwed.”

“Very inspiring, Slash,” I muttered.

“Sorry, babe. But I was pure shit when I was a teenager. So, we have to go with the odds that if we have a son he’s going to be a demon.”

“But what a cute demon he would be.”

* * *

I went to bed at seven-thirty and slept until eight the next morning. It was glorious. I woke up slowly, in the middle of the bed. I had only a bit of nausea, but no actual morning sickness, which I greatly appreciated.

While Slash had been away, the house had gone to shit. Because I’d been working so much, the laundry had piled up, there were dishes in the sink and the bed sheets needed to be changed. Coming back to a dirty home wasn’t enjoyable, and I didn’t want to do that to Slash.

My phone chimed as I was making tea.

It was Mia.Where are you?

What do you mean?I replied back.

The spa. Remember?

Oh shit. I had completely forgotten.

I called her, and she answered on the first ring. “Tell me you’re on your way,” she said.

“No. I forgot that you set this up,” I said. “I have to bail. I have too much to do before Slash gets home.”

“What has to get done?” she asked.

“Laundry, dishes, sheets and a general cleaning.”

“You’d spend the next few hours before Slash comes home doing menial chores when you could be at a spa getting a massage and a pedicure?”

“It’s not about what I want; it’s about what needs to get done.”

She sighed. “Come to the spa. I’m sending over a cleaning crew.”