“How easy this all is,” I said, looking at him. “I thought it was going to be difficult. But it’s not, Slash. It’s just not.”

He squeezed my leg and then put his hand back on the wheel.

“You’re not what I thought,” I said quietly. “They’re not what I thought, either.”

“The Blue Angels?”

“Yeah. You’re all like…wicked protective and loyal. And not at all gun-shy about settling down. Even you. Mr. Nomad.”

He didn’t say anything for a long while. When we turned down the street to our rental, he finally spoke. “It’s easier, you know? Not to care. Not to get involved. To be a rolling stone and to live your life on your terms. To not make sacrifices. To not let anyone in. It’s easier. But it makes for a very lonely existence.”

I swallowed. “Are you with me because you don’t want to be lonely?”

He pulled up to the curb outside the house we shared.

“No. I’m with you because for the first time in a long time, I want to stay put. You make me want to stay, Brooklyn.”

I sighed and smiled at him dreamily.

And then his phone rang.

He reached into his leather cut and pulled it out. Slash stared at the screen for a moment and then said, “I gotta take this. Club shit.”

Nodding, I got out of the car and went inside, leaving him to his phone call. I was full and happy, and I wanted to spend the rest of the night on the couch with Slash, laughing and talking about the future.

He came in a few minutes later, his expression a bit vacant.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Hmm? Oh. Yeah. It’s fine.”

I wasn’t sure I believed him, but I also knew not to ask. He was allowed his privacy, just like I was allowed mine.

* * *

“I’ve got to go up to Idaho for club business. I’ll be on the road for two weeks,” he said when we were in bed. My head was on his chest and his arm was wrapped around me.

“Hmm. Okay,” I said sleepily.

“You’re not going to give me shit about it?”

“Am I supposed to give you shit?” I asked in surprise. I lifted myself up and stared in the general direction of his face. There was a little light from the bedroom window, but otherwise it was dark.

“I expected it.”

“When have I ever given you shit when it came to club stuff?” I demanded.

“Good point.”

“Besides, it’s not like I’ll be sitting at home waiting for you. I’m about to have a very busy few weeks. You wouldn’t see much of me even if you were in town.”

“Yeah, about that—”

“I can handle it.”

“I know you can handle it. That’s not what I was going to say.”

“Oh, what were you going to say?”