She quickly scrolled through the pictures, her eyes widening. She looked at me. “You’re hired. Oh my God, you’re a lifesaver!” Imogene handed me back my phone and then reached into her clutch to pull hers out. “Put your number in here. Can we meet tomorrow?”

“Sure thing, but we haven’t even talked about your budget—”

“Oh, honey, money’s not an issue.”

“Wow, okay,” I said, punching my digits into her phone. “I’ll be bringing my business partner, who will help arrange everything.”

“Wonderful. You’re seriously amazing. I’ll text you the address. Is nine in the morning too early?”

“No. That’s perfect.”

Long enough for me to wake up, puke, and then be on my way.

I left Imogene in the bathroom to fix her makeup and then I rejoined my friends. Seb was gone by the time I got back to the table.

“What happened to you?” Brielle asked.

“Yeah, I was wondering if you were going to send up a flare for emergency help in there,” Jazz teased.

“I met a new client,” I said as I plopped down in my chair.

“In the bathroom?” Jazz asked, her eyes wide.

I quickly recounted my meeting with Imogene.

“Imogene. Imogene Oglethorpe?” Brielle asked.


“Oh my God,” she said with a laugh. “Do you have any idea who she is?”

“Someone important enough to have her wedding featured inSouthern Living,” I quipped. “But aside from that, I have no idea.”

“Huge Dallas socialite. Her daddy is in oil and her fiancé comes from a long line of cattle ranchers,” Brielle informed me.

“And you just, like, pitched us, like it was no big deal,” Jazz said. “I’m in awe.”

“She was really upset,” I pointed out. “And we can help her. Why wouldn’t I offer? I didn’t know she was a big deal. I mean, she mentioned the magazine, but she didn’t act like a snob. So, are we doing this, or not?”

“She probably appreciated you treating her like a normal person and not fawning all over her,” Willa said.

I shrugged. “We have a meeting with her tomorrow at nine. She’s going to text me the address.”

“Shit,” Jazz said. “I can’t be there. My mom—”

“I’ll sit with her,” Brielle said.

Jazz squeezed her hand.

“Not to be a total weenie, but I’m kind of tired,” I said. “Can we pay the bill and get out of here?”

“Seb took care of our bill. We’re just leaving a tip,” Brielle explained.

“Glorious, glorious man. It was excellent.” I reached into my purse to grab my wallet. I set down a few bills and then stood, but the other three remained.

“Ah, so that’s how it goes,” I said with a grin. “The pregnant one goes home while the three hot young women stay out for a night on the prowl.”

“Girl, if I had your man to go home to, I’d be out of here so fast,” Brielle said.