“You want me to be honest?”


“Yeah. It’s weird. And the last couple of nights, I’ve woken up in the middle of the night confused, and my body wants to crawl out of my skin. And then I hear you breathing next to me, and I remember why I’m here.”


He threw a leg over mine. “You can’t worry about it, okay? I’ll get used to it.”

“What if you never do?” I asked softly. “My mother didn’t.”

“I’m not your mother. And I’m telling you, I just need a bit of time to adjust. Okay?”


“Do you trust me?”

“You haven’t given me a reason not to.”

He snorted. “That sounds like a very looseyes.”

“Take what you can get,” I said, searching for his mouth and finding his lips.

“Either you’re trying to distract me, or you can’t get enough of me,” he growled, pulling me on top of him.

“Either way, you win. I win. We all win.”

His hands skated up and down my body and settled on my belly. “I can’t wait,” he whispered. “I can’t wait for all of this.”

Slash’s words melted my heart, and any resistance that still existed was completely obliterated. “I think,” I whispered. “Even if there hadn’t been a baby, I was destined to fall in love with you.”

“Woman,” he groaned. His palm caressed my curves and clasped my head. He cupped the back of my neck and brought my lips down to his.

He spent the rest of the night making love to me, proving there was no other place in the world he’d rather be.


“I need to get laid,”Brielle said as she finished off the rest of her lychee martini.

“I’ll drink to that,” Willa agreed.

“Another round?” Jazz asked.

“Might as well,” Brielle said.

I reached for another piece of edamame. “Let’s order dinner when the server gets back.”

“Seb’s already taken care of it,” Brielle said. “I told the server about your dietary restrictions, so Seb will make a bunch of stuff you can eat.”

“You’re a doll,” I commented.

Brielle’s friend Seb was a chef at an Asian fusion restaurant that had just opened. He’d invited Brielle to check out the menu, and she’d asked Jazz, Willa, and me to come along.

Not only were we about to enjoy wonderful food, but we were getting time to chat. I was loving this aspect of my life. Change always brought different opportunities, and I was rich in new friendships.

The server came by, and Brielle ordered us another round, including my juice-and-seltzer combo.

“Hold on a second,” Brielle said, facing Willa. “You’re telling me you’re not getting laid, even though you have two super-hot bikers around you constantly?”