I raised my brows. “A worthy lesson. Who are we listening to?”

“Cannonball Adderley,” Lily informed me. She took my hand and dragged me to the table.

“Sorry to interrupt,” I said to him.

“No worries. I need to get going anyway,” Boxer said. He looked at the little girl. “Same time next week, Lily Burger?”

She nodded. “You’re coming to my dance recital, aren’t you?”

“Wouldn’t miss it.” He scooped her up into his arms, fake teapot and all, and kissed the top of her head. He set her down and went to the door. “Do I put my cupcake order in with you or with Lily?”

“She told you what I’m making?”

“Yep. I know you gotta make pink frosting, but can you make some dude cupcakes with blue and green or something?”

“I’ll see what I can do,” I said dryly.

“Don’t forget the sprinkles.” He winked.

“Sprinkles are manly?”

“Yup.” He popped theP.

“Bye, Uncle Boxer.”

“Bye, Lily Burger.” He sauntered out of Lily’s room, and I shook my head.

What was it about seeing these burly, rough-and-tumble men so gentle with their women and children? If I wasn’t already drowning in pregnancy hormones, this would’ve kick-started my ovaries.

“Sit,” Lily commanded.

“Yes, ma’am.”

I pretended to sip on tea and eat a fake scone while Lily told me everything she wanted for her cupcakes. “Chocolate and vanilla, definitely,” she said. “With pink and white frosting. And its Jane’s birthday. Can we do something extra special for her?”

“Definitely,” I said. “How about glitter in the frosting.”

Her eyes widened. “You can do glitter in frosting?”

I nodded.

“Wow. Can I be you when I grow up?”

God, this kid.

“Why would you want to be me, when you could be you?” I asked with a smile.

“Knock, knock,” Darcy said. “You ready for some real food, kid?”

Lily nodded.

“Lil, why don’t you run downstairs and get out the bread, peanut butter, and jelly.”

“Okay.” She set down her cup and ran out the door past her mother.

I set my teacup down and stood up out of the small chair.

“What did she rope you into?” Darcy asked.