“I have a meeting with Lily.”

Slash blinked. “Lily? Six-year-old Lily? That Lily?”

I grinned. “That would be the one. Didn’t you hear?”

“Hear what?”

“She’s having a ballet recital with a celebration party afterward and she wants me to cater it.”

“You’re kidding.”


He shook his head. “She’s got everyone wrapped around her finger.”

“Little girls know how to do that,” I said, feeling my insides go all marshmallowy at the thought of maybe having one of my own.

He kissed me on lips, slipping his tongue into my mouth briefly before pulling back. “See you tonight.”

“What are we doing for dinner?” I asked as he climbed onto his bike.

“What have you been doing for dinner while I was away?”

“Roasted chicken with an orange and fennel salad and garlic mashed potatoes.”

He looked at me.

I looked at him.

“So, pizza?” he drawled.

“Pizza,” I agreed with a grin.

* * *

“Her Majesty will see you now,” Darcy said as she opened the front door of her house.

“Where is Her Highness?” I asked in amusement, stepping into the foyer.

“Upstairs in her room. She’s having tea.”

“By herself?” I asked.

“No. She invited her stuffed animals. And Boxer.”


Darcy nodded and grinned. “Go see. It’s priceless.”

I took to the stairs and heard jazz music coming from a bedroom. The door to Lily’s room was open and there was Boxer, sitting at a table designed for kids, pretending to drink tea with his pinky up.

Lily was wearing a pink boa and tiara and asked him, “More tea?”

Boxer held out his cup. “Please.”

“May I have a cup?” I asked with a smile.

“Brooklyn!” Lily yelled, jumping up from her chair and rushing to me, the blue tea kettle still in her hand. “Uncle Boxer is having tea with me and teaching me about jazz.”