“Morning,” he greeted.

Willa waved since her mouth was full.

“Breakfast?” I asked him.

He shook his head. “I’ve got a meeting at the clubhouse.”

“Oh,” I said, nibbling my lip. “How long will you be gone?”

“Few hours.” He kissed me on the lips. “Bye, Willa. Thanks again for handling shit.”

“No problem,” she said.

The front door closed, and I looked at Willa. “Handling what shit?”

“Your purchases at Leather and Ink,” she said.

“Ah, right.” I sighed.

“What’s that sigh for?” she demanded.

“No reason,” I lied.

“Hmm. Okay.” She wiped her greasy fingers on a paper napkin and then stood up. Willa retrieved her laptop. “I did three different mock-ups for your new website.”


“Just the home page,” she clarified. “So you can see which one you like the best, then you can run it by Jazz. Whichever one you guys choose, I’ll go ahead with it.”

“Jazz gave me free reign,” I said.

“That works.”

“They’re all gorgeous. How am I supposed to choose?” I asked after taking a look at each of the designs.

“You’re just saying that.”

“I’m really not. You’re good at this, Willa.”


“Okay, teal and pink.”

“Ah, I had a feeling you were going to choose that one!”

“When do you think we can have the new site up and running?”

“Hmm. Well, the next few weeks are a bit crazy for me.”

I nodded. “I get it. Believe me. Can we get the catering request page set up ASAP? I’m getting a lot of phone calls, which is wonderful, but I need to get it streamlined, and emails and some details about the business will really help.”

“Absolutely. I can take care of that one today, and we’ll finish the rest of the site later.”

“Wonderful. Now, can we please talk about payment?”

“We can, but I have an idea—if you’ll hear me out.”

“Go on.”