“You guys operate like a hive,” I said. “I’m impressed.”

“Speaking of impressed.” Mia went to the totes. “Can we dig into these yet?”

“Should we even bother with plates?” Darcy asked.

“Nah, it’ll just slow us down,” Mia said.

“Where’s Linden?” I asked.

“Physical therapy.” Mia gestured to her hand. “She’ll be here a bit later.”

Lily was standing near the stove while Darcy cooked her a grilled cheese. The girl whispered something to her mother, and a moment later, Darcy said, “Ask her yourself.”

“Ask who what?” Mia went to the drawer and pulled out several forks.

“Lily wants to ask Brooklyn a question,” Darcy said. “Go ahead.”

“What is it you want to ask, Lily?” I asked, peering down at the little girl who clearly had everyone wrapped around her finger.

“I have a dance recital next week, and Mama said I could have a party with all my friends. You make such good cakes and pies and stuff, and I was wondering if you’d make something for the party?” She stared up at me with wide eyes. Her lower lip looked ready to tremble in case I said no.

I pretended to ponder the question. “Well, here’s the thing. Cakes and pies are good. But you know what’s even better for ballerinas?”

“What?” she asked.

“Cupcakes,” I said. “Chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with pink frosting.”

“Pink cupcakes!” Lily screamed.

Scarlett began to cry, and Mia set her fork down to soothe her daughter. “Uh, how do I get one of those cupcakes?”

“By coming to the party,” Darcy said. “You think I’m going to host ten six-year-old ballerinas by myself? I need reinforcements.”

“You’re the best, Brooklyn!” Lily said as she wrapped her arms around my legs.

“Hey!” Joni whined.

“Easy come, easy go,” I said to her with a laugh.

* * *

“She’s an angel,” Linden said, taking a sip of her drink.

Darcy looked down at her sleeping daughter, who was stretched out on the couch, head in her mother’s lap. “Yeah, she’s pretty cool most of the time. Joni? You mind if I put her in your bed?”

“Go for it,” Joni said.

“Has she grown?” Mia asked as she changed Scarlett’s diaper on the floor of the living room. “She looks…longer.”

“Yeah, I think she’s hit a growth spurt. She’s been kind of ornery.” A soft smile played about her lips.

“When do they stop being ornery?” Mia wiped Scarlett’s bottom.

Darcy crossed her fingers. “Any day now.” She managed to get Lily into her arms without waking her and then headed for the stairs.

My pregnancy nose was overly sensitive, and normally, Mia changing her daughter’s diaper nearby wouldn’t have done anything to me. But the smell was positively horrifying.

So horrifying that my eyes were watering.