“I don’t hear you denying it,” Jazz said smugly.

The last few times I’d spoken on the phone with Slash, it had taken all of my willpower not to blurt it out. I steadfastly refused to believe this was anything more than hormones. My heart—and vagina—were confused.

“I have strong feelings for Slash,” I admitted. “And I’ll leave it at that. You want to come over for dinner tonight? We can plan the Sullivan christening cake.”

“And you’ll feed me?”

“I’ll feed you.”

“I’m there.”

“Can I come?” Duke asked. “I’ll bring something.”

“Sure. But bring Willa, too, yeah?”

“Willa?” Jazz asked. “Who’s Willa? Are you replacing me with another girl who also has an awesome name?”

I chuckled. “No. I’m not replacing you. Actually, you guys should meet. She’s going to redesign our website.”

“Cool deal. I’ll bring Brielle, too?”

“Absolutely!” I said.

“This is turning into a party,” Duke said. “You shouldn’t be on the hook for cooking for everyone. Savage and I will take care of the food.”

“Savage is coming now too?” I asked with a grin.

“Where I go, Willa goes. And where Willa goes, Savage goes,” Duke explained. “How’s barbecue?”

“Pulled pork,” I breathed. “Hmm. Yeah.”

“And cheese biscuits, and ribs, and—you know what? I’ll make a list,” Jazz said.

“Jazz and I will supply the pies,” I said. “It’s what I’m best at anyway.”

“I love everything about this,” Jazz said. “It’s like an impromptu housewarming.”

“Slash is missing it. I guess we’ll just have to do it all over again when he gets back into town.”

* * *

“I think we went a little bit overboard,” Jazz said.

I sliced a banana and placed it on top of the pie. “What makes you say that?”

“Your fridge is full and there’s no room for drinks.”

“Drinks! I can’t have booze, so I forgot about drinks...”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got Brielle on it. She’s bringing coolers.”

My phone vibrated on the counter, and I saw Slash’s name appear. I pressed a button. “Hello.”

“I want to lick every inch of your body,” he said in way of greeting.

Jazz let out a laugh.

My cheeks flamed. “Ah, I probably should’ve mentioned you were on speaker.”