I loved this feeling. Of belonging. Of family. Of not having to do it all alone. I’d fully expected to be on my own while Slash was out of town. But when the Old Ladies had shown up without warning, inviting me to eat with them, it had felt like a form of acceptance. They’d bantered, and they weren’t afraid to speak their minds. I liked that. I liked that a lot. I could take them at face value.

I switched out the laundry and then got back to work finishing Duke’s pie. I kept glancing at my cell every few minutes, wondering when Slash was going to call. I debated on whether to tell him about the phone call from the bank, and then decided not to say anything. He was on the road. He would be exhausted when I spoke to him tonight. No. I’d tell him if, and only if, there was something to tell.

He’d been a leather-wearing knight in shining armor. He had taken the change in his life in his stride. I didn’t want to keep being a problem he had to fix. That wouldn’t be good for us long term if there was any hope of us making it.

While the pie cooled, I fell asleep on the couch. Sometime later, my phone rang, startling me awake.

“Hullo,” I answered sleepily.

“Damn, you sound sexy.”

I grinned. “Are you in Coeur d’Alene?”

“No. I wanted to keep going, but Acid wasn’t feeling it.”

“Acid is with you?” I asked in surprise.


“Oh. I thought you were alone. I’m glad you have someone else with you.”

“Didn’t like the idea of my riding the open road alone?”

“No,” I admitted. “I didn’t.”

“I heard you had an interesting day.”

“Heard what from whom?” I demanded. “Are you keeping tabs on me?”

“Not tabs. Just like, little updates.”

“So, you know I went to a Mexican restaurant with the Old Ladies.”


“Do you know what I ordered?” I demanded.

“No. What did you order?”

“Blue corn cheese enchiladas.”

“Damn right you did.”

I laughed, feeling like all my troubles had melted away simply because I was hearing his voice. “Mia invited me to Leather and Ink tomorrow. I said yes, even though I’m not sure what it is. Is it a tattoo parlor?”

“No. It’s a clothing store.”


“I heard they carry lingerie…”

“Oh, you heard, did you?”

“Yup. I’d kill to see you in lingerie.”

“What kind of lingerie?”

“Black. Lace. Crotchless.”