“I don’t know. You look flushed.” Joni raised her brows. “Did you get a phone call from Slash?”

“What? No!” I laughed.

“Valid question.” Mia shrugged. “Have you heard from him today?”

“Just a text this morning.” I blushed when I thought about it. It had been filthy and detailed, a reminder of what we’d said to one another under the cover of darkness. “He’s riding hard the rest of the way to Coeur d’Alene and won’t get there until late.”

“Okay, you’re definitely blushing now,” Darcy pointed out.

“Gee, these enchiladas are to die for.”

“Oh man, I want to know so badly what’s going through your head right now,” Mia said.

“My lips are sealed.” I took another bite of food so I couldn’t talk anymore.

“Do you miss him?” Allison inquired.

“He’s barely been gone a day,” I said after I swallowed.

“You miss him,” she teased.

“Yeah,” I sighed. “I miss him. He’s just—and he’s—“

“All-consuming? Larger than life? All you can think about?” Joni supplied.


She snorted. “Welcome to the club.”


“No flan for me, thank you,”I said to the server who cleared away my empty plate.

“They have the best flan here,” Joni said.

“I don’t like sweets,” I admitted.

“But you bake for a living,” Mia said in confusion. “Are you sugared out?”

“I never really liked them,” I explained. “I prefer savory. Slash didn’t look like he believed me when I told him.”

“I would die without sugar,” Joni said.

“What time is it?” Mia asked.

Linden looked at the watch on her wrist. “A little after five.”

Mia sighed. “I need to go.”

“Me too,” I said.

“But flan,” Joni whined, placing her hand on her belly. “It’s not for me. It’s for the baby. Well, like, eighty twenty.”

“Get it to go,” Darcy suggested.

“Better plan. I can get an extra for Zip. Which he will share with me.”

The bill came and I reached for my wallet. “I got it,” Mia said, throwing down her credit card.