Mia reached out and wiped my cheek. “Flour.”

“Oh.” I hastily rubbed the back of my hand across my face. “I was making pie crust.”

“You’re in the middle of something.” Mia pouted. “And here I thought we’d get you all to ourselves while Slash is away.”

“Actually, the pie crust has to chill in the fridge for a few hours, so I’m free.”

“Yay!” Mia clapped her hands. “Colt is watching the kids, and I plan to make the most of it!”

“Let me just get my purse,” I said. “And leave a key under the mat for the guys.”

“Not necessary,” Mia said. “I already gave them my key.”

“Your key?” I asked in surprise. “Why do you have a key?”

Mia cocked her head to the side. “Slash didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

She grinned. “I own this house. Surprise, I’m your landlord!”


Allison,Joni, and Darcy were already at the Mexican restaurant and had commandeered a table in the back.

Joni leaned against the leather booth, and Darcy sat at the end of the table.

“You know, this isn’t really fair,” I said, sliding into a chair across the table from Allison.

“What’s not fair?” Joni asked.

“I’m alone, in a restaurant, with the Blue Angels Old Ladies. Slash isn’t here. I have no buffer. And I’m not able to drink, so I have nothing that will give me liquid courage.”

“Why would you need liquid courage?” Linden asked as she took a seat.

Mia snorted, plopping down at the other end of the table. “Please, do you remember when Boxer brought you around in the beginning?”

“Oh, yeah. Moonshine.” Linden nodded. “Totally greased the wheels.”

“Brooklyn will have to settle for guacamole.” Allison winked.

“Okay, but no cilantro—I beg you,” I said.

“Thank you!” Joni stated. “It tastes like soap.”

“Does not,” Linen said with a laugh.

“Oh, it so does,” Darcy agreed.

“The cilantro debate will never cease,” Joni said. “So, let’s just get two separate orders. One with, one without.”

“Works for me,” Mia said.

A server came by and took our drink orders. Linden requested a pitcher of margaritas.

“Hell, yes,” Mia said. “I’m having a marg. Scarlett has breast milk in the fridge.”

The server was a young guy, and his cheeks bloomed with color.