“There are some things I need to get from upstairs and then I’m heading to the grocery store.”

“What did Savage and Willa forget?”

“Apples, for your pie.”

He smiled. “Ah.”

“I really do appreciate it, Duke.”

He nodded and shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. “You and Slash okay?”

I cocked my head to the side. “Yeah. Why?”

“Dunno. You just seemed a bit…on edge yesterday.”

“How do I seem today?”


I laughed. “There are some things that I don’t understand, and they won’t be explained until he gets back. But it’s okay. It’s stuff that’ll keep.”

Duke looked like he was going to say something, but then shut his mouth.


“I was just gonna say he’s a good guy. A good brother. He’s been a Nomad for years. Just keep that in mind anytime he pisses you off.”

I let out a low chuckle.

“Be patient with him,” he said quietly.

I placed my hand on his arm. “Thanks. I will.”

While I was at the grocery store, I got a phone call from Folson’s letting me know the living room furniture was on back order and would be delayed.

I sent Slash a text to let him know, even though it was trivial. I didn’t hear back from him. Maybe I could get Duke and a couple of the other young bucks to bring over my sofa from the apartment. I refused to live in a house without at least a couch.

Two hours later, I was at the new place. The laundry was on, and I was elbow deep in pie crust when the doorbell rang.

With a frown, I wiped my hands on a paper towel—I’d forgotten dishrags at the bakery—and went to see who it was. I peered through the peephole and smiled.

I opened the door. “What are you guys doing here?”

Mia embraced me. “We came to rescue you.”

“Rescue me?” I looked at Linden for an explanation.

“You’re all alone while Slash is out of town,” she explained.

“And Slash texted that there was a delay with the living room furniture,” Mia added. “So, I called some of the boys to get them to bring over a couch from the clubhouse, so you have something in the interim.”

“Do you like Mexican?” Linden asked.

“Yeah.” I blinked, my head spinning from the conversation jumps.

Slash had texted the Old Ladies but not me?

“Perfect. Come out to dinner with us, and by the time you get back there will be a couch and a recliner in the house,” Linden said. “Allison, Darcy and Joni are already on their way and will meet us there.”