He paused for a moment and scratched his stubbly jaw. “There are some things I can’t talk about. But if I can answer your question, I will.”

“How do the Blue Angels make their money?” I blurted out.

Duke cocked his head to the side. “We own Charlie’s Motorcycle Repair Shop.”

“That one garage makes enough money for all the brothers? Even the ones with kids?”

“We’ve got other businesses. Laundromats, bars, a few night clubs.”

Cash businesses.

I may have been in a dick coma, but my mind was clearing with Slash no longer in my orbit.

“Did I answer your question?” he asked.

Technically. But not actually.

“Yeah. Thanks.”

He nodded. “You done for the day?”


“You want to pack a bag and I’ll follow you on over to the new place?”

“Sure.” I sighed. “Slash has some stuff that needs to get moved. Will you load it up into my car?”

“No problem.”

While Duke got all of Slash’s clothes into my car, I packed a bag, including toiletries and a towel, and I made sure I had my prenatal vitamins.

By the time I headed to the new house, it was midafternoon and Duke trailed me on his bike. I hated to admit it, but I liked looking in my rearview mirror and seeing him. It was a comforting sight after the odd behavior of Kurt and a brick coming through the window. Part of me hated it, but at the same time, it made me realize I wasn’t alone. It wasn’t just Slash looking out for me.

The house was as adorable as I remembered, and my heart flipped when I thought of all the new furniture eventually filling up the space.

“Where do you want the bags?” Duke asked.

“Living room is fine, thanks,” I said. I headed to the bedroom and stopped in surprise.

“Problem?” Duke called out.

“No,” I called back. “Everything’s good.”

Not only had the furniture been delivered, but the new sheets and comforter I’d picked out were already on the bed.

Duke appeared in the doorway of the bedroom. “Looks good.”

“Did Savage do this?” I asked. I couldn’t picture him making a bed.

“Willa,” Duke said. “She was with him. Is that okay?”

“Okay? Of course it’s okay. Why wouldn’t it be okay?”

“Dunno.” He shrugged. “She’s not technically part of the Blue Angels, but Savage and I have been best friends with her since we were kids, so we kind of claim her as one of our own.”

“I remember the three of you being thick as thieves at the party,” I said with a smile. “She’s a doll.”

“She is,” Duke agreed.