She shrugged. “What? You asked. He’s that kind of guy thatyou knowwould get down and dirty with you in a public bathroom.”

“That’s unsanitary. And not at all sexy.”

She pinched her nose and then said in a nasally feigned intercom voice, “Paging Grandma Knickers.”

“It’s Dr. Grandma Knickers. At least give me my medical title that I spent so many years acquiring.”

“Fine, Dr. Grandma Knickers, stop dawdling. Now go find out why he’s refusing morphine. And seriously consider putting on some lipstick…and blush. You look pale. And take your hair out of that braid. It makes you look like a nun. If I had your blonde hair, I’d go around swinging my head like I was in a shampoo commercial.”

“What’s gotten into you?”

“My husband—last night. Boom!” She mimed an invisible mic drop.

“Boom, what?” Babs asked as she approached the desk, pushing a strand of silver hair behind her ear as she walked. Her chin length bob made her look severe. Her tone was naturally brusque, but she had a kind heart and I saw past the gruffness.

“I’m just giving Dr. Ward a hard time about not making up her face before she goes to see the patient in 317,” Amanda said.

“If only I were younger…” Babs muttered under her breath and then trailed off. She rested her elbows on the ledge and looked at me. “You should really do something about that.”

“Do something about what?” I asked. “Why would I doanythingabout that? He’s my patient.”

Babs and Amanda exchanged a look.

“What? What does that look mean?”

“He’s been asking about you,” Babs said.

“So what?”

Amanda sighed. “You’re dense.”

“I’m not dense. I just—it doesn’t matter. He’s my patient, and it’s against the rules.”

“Aha!” Amanda grinned. “I knew it! I knew you were thinking about him.”

“I’m not—give me a piece of chocolate,” I muttered, diving my hand into the glass jar on the counter.

“Chocolate is not a substitute for sex,” Babs said.

“Chocolate and sex, my two favorite things. They go well together actually,” Amanda said.

“My husband ordered chocolate body paint for our anniversary,” Babs said, “and let me tell you, it spiced up everything…”

Amanda stared in shock at Babs. “I never knew you had it in you!”

Babs shrugged and didn’t appear at all embarrassed. “When you’ve been married as long as I have, you have to do things to keep it interesting. Last week, I got a bikini wax in the shape of a heart. It drove my husband crazy!”

“I’m so proud to know you, Babs. I really am,” Amanda said with an amazed grin.

That’s my cue.

I walked away, their laughter echoing in my ears. Why did I need to go to happy hour with the nurses when it was clear they had their own version of water cooler talk in the middle of the day?

When I entered Boxer’s room, his gaze was directed toward the TV in the corner, but when he saw me, he shut it off.

“Doc,” he greeted with a genuine smile. “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you today.”

I arched a brow. “Boxer.”