“Sure thing. Look, I’m in a bind. Silas is at a friend’s house. Danny’s mom just called and told me Silas has a fever and is throwing up. I have to pick him up, but we’re short staffed.

Freddy sighed. “You want me to jump behind the bar, don’t you?”

“Please?” Mia begged. “You weren’t seriously thinking of making the drive back to Dallas tonight anyway, were you?”

“No. I was gonna crash at Boxer’s with Linden,” Freddy said.

“Boxer gave me keys,” I explained to Mia.

She grinned. “Man, I wish I had time for that story, but I really do need to get going. There’s an apartment slash storeroom over the bar. It’s got all the necessities. You can totally sleep there so you don’t have to drive when you get off. Please, Freddy? Tips should be really good tonight.”

Freddy looked at me. “You mind?”

I shook my head. “No. I don’t mind.”

“Angel, darling, savior,” Mia said, bending down to side hug Freddy. “Come with me and I’ll introduce you to Danica, and she’ll give you a run down.”

“Dinner?” Freddy asked me as she slid out of the booth. “Soon?”

I smiled. “That sounds good.”

“Come on,” Mia said. “Let’s get you sorted behind the bar so I can pick up my sick kid. See ya later, Linden.”

I waved to them and watched them head to the bar. Since I had no one to hang out with anymore, and I didn’t want to sit and drink alone, I pulled out my cell phone and requested an Uber.

The bar was getting busier and louder. I didn’t want to be that person who took up a booth just for me, so I grabbed my nearly finished pint and purse and vacated my seat. I quickly downed the rest of the beer and then placed the empty glass on the end of the bar.

“Freddy!” I called. “Bye!”

She looked up from serving a customer just long enough to smile and nod.

I headed for the front door and stepped out into the night. I breathed in the cool air and wished I’d thought to wear a jacket, but it hadn’t gone with my outfit.

My phone vibrated at the bottom of my purse, and I reached in and grabbed it. When I took it out, I saw Boxer’s name flashing across the screen. I wandered around to the side of the building, farther back away from the front door so I could have some privacy.

I answered my phone, a smile on my face. “Hi.”

“Hey, Doc. Whatcha doing? Are you at home sniffing my shirts?”

“Ha. You wish. I’m at Shelly’s with Freddy, but I’m waiting for an Uber now.”

“It’s a little early to be calling it a night.”

“Mia was working the bar, but Silas is sick, and she has to pick him up. Freddy’s filling in, so I’m leaving and heading to your house.”

“Are you now?”

“Don’t make a thing of it,” I warned. “I spook easy.”

He chuckled. “Sorry your night got cut short.”

“It’s okay. I wouldn’t mind taking off these tight jeans.”

“Tight jeans? How tight are we talking?”

“Like a second skin.”

“Woman, you must be trying to send me to an early grave. What else are you wearing?”