Tank, who’d been asleep in a sling across Allison’s body, let out a wail. Allison shushed him while moving toward Joni and enveloping her in a one-armed hug.

Darcy was next and gave Joni a side hug. “When did you find out?”

“We confirmed it yesterday,” she said.

“But the room…” I waved around the area. “It looks like this was started weeks ago.”

Joni nodded. “As soon as we got the bedroom done, Zip started on this room. It’s all I’ve wanted. To have a family with him.”

The emotion swimming in her eyes made my mashed down feelings surge to the surface. “Congratulations,” I said, but it sounded strangled to my own ears.

No one else noticed. They were too busy hugging and talking about Joni’s good news.

“What are you doing?” Joni asked, staring at me from a few feet away.

“What do you mean?”

“Get in here. It’s group hug time,” she demanded.

Rachel grabbed my arm and hauled me toward them and before I knew it, I was one of them, celebrating a milestone moment in their lives.

Mia hastily brushed tears from her eyes. “I’m so happy for you. Like really, really happy.”

“Me too,” Rachel added. “Shit, Mia. You’re makingmecry.”

We batted away our tears, laughing and crying in tandem. I’d never felt such acceptance.

“Come on,” Joni said once she’d recovered. “Let’s get back downstairs. I need chocolate.”

“I need a wine refill,” Darcy said.

Just as we made it to the patio, the guys erupted into cheers. Zip beamed ear to ear as Gray slapped him on the back.

“I’m guessing Zip told them about your good news,” I said.

“Looks that way,” Joni agreed.

Colt swooped in and grabbed his sister, nearly crushing her in a bear hug. “I’m gonna be an uncle!”

Joni was swarmed by the Blue Angels. Boxer gave her a hug, said something in her ear that made her laugh, and then released her. He came over to me and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

The kids dropped their beanbags and ran up to the patio from the lawn, wondering about the commotion. When Darcy told them what was going on they rushed to Joni and clambered for her attention. They were just as excited and as happy as the adults.

As the sun set and those that could drink toasted to Joni and Zip’s news, I felt something inside of me pry loose. There was such beauty here. Love and family. Happy children and laughter among friends. It sounded simple, easy. I’d been embraced as one of them. But now I knew what I’d been missing, and I never wanted to go back to a cold, empty life. My career lit me up, it challenged me, provided me the intellectual stimulation to grow my skills, but I couldn’t go home to it. It didn’t provide the nurturing warmth I so desperately craved but didn’t realize I needed.

“The Idaho boys and the young’uns aren’t coming,” Zip said, putting his cell phone away. “They’re having far too much fun where they are.”

“You mean they don’t want to hang out with a bunch of old married people?” Mia asked. “Shocking.”

“Who are you calling old?” Darcy asked.

“Not you, darling. You’re forever young.” Mia flashed a grin.

“Mia, will you braid my hair?” Lily asked, plopping down in front of Mia’s lawn chair.

“Sure thing, Lily Burger.”

“We’re gonna get out of here,” Torque said. “Allison is falling asleep.”