That settles something in my stomach and my heart. He wants to protect me, to help me take down the people who wronged me, but he also recognizes that I’m strong enough to have protected myself.
“Is…” Ash trails off like he’s not sure how to word his question. “Is Ivan’s death catching up to you?” he asks finally.
I shake my head, grimacing. “No. He deserved worse. This was… I was going over the guest list from the gala, and I recognized one of the names. It fucked with my head. Julian Maduro.”
Gage blinks. “I didn’t even see him there.”
My brows shoot up, my heart thudding a little harder as I tilt my head to look at the broad-shouldered man. “You know him?”
“No, but everyone knows of him. Of the family. After Lorenzo Maduro’s death, Julian and his sister built the family back up. They’re pretty damn powerful now, even after the ground they lost when Lorenzo died.”
I hold Gage’s gaze as steadily as I can. “I killed Lorenzo,” I tell him. “He was one of the names on my list. My first, actually.”
A whole host of emotions flicker over his face, quick as a flash. I can tell he’s surprised and maybe a little impressed, but he doesn’t say any of that. He folds his arms and furrows his brow as he thinks. Then he glances at Priest.
“Did you know Julian was going to be at the gala?”
Priest shakes his head.
“That’s a connection,” Gage continues. “I don’t know if the Maduros ever worked with Ivan, but if his dad and Ivan were buddies when it came to their sick hobbies, then…”
No one needs him to finish that sentence, but Knox does anyway. “You think Maduro might be the one who put Ivan’s body up at the gala.”
“It’s possible. He has the connection, and if he knows River, then the connection gets even more solid.”
“Hedoesn’tknow me though,” I say, chewing on my lip and trying to keep the analytical side of my brain working so that I won’t fall into a panic attack again. “He was never around when Lorenzo and the others were fucking with us. I’ve never met him. As far as I know, he’d have no idea who I am.”
“It could be less personal than that,” Priest puts in. “His dad died under… mysterious circumstances. Everyone knew it was a murder, but no one knew who or exactly why. And then the same thing happens to Ivan. Maybe Julian is assuming—correctly—that the two things are related and wants to draw out the person who did it.”
“For what?” Ash asks. “For revenge? I highly doubt he’s going to call the police or anything.”
“Could be revenge,” Gage replies with a shrug. “River had a list of people to take down because they killed her sister. Who’s to say Julian Maduro isn’t on a similar mission to get vengeance for his dad?”
“It’s not the same thing,” I say, my voice sharp. “Lorenzo Maduro was a fucking asshole. My sister was just a kid.”
The hard lines of his face soften. “I know. I’m not saying it’s actually the same, I’m just throwing ideas for a motive out there.”
“So what do we do?” Ash glances around at everyone clustered in the small bathroom. “How do we figure out if Julian had a hand in Ivan’s body reappearing?”
“The easiest way would probably be to pay him a visit, just like we did with the Diamond Devils,” Priest says. “We could make up an excuse to ask for a meeting with him and then feel him out.”
The thought of seeing that man makes my stomach turn all over again, and for a second, I think I’m going to be sick one more time. I breathe through it though, letting out a shuddering breath.
Seeing any of the Maduros, anyone related to Lorenzo, will just bring back more bad memories. All the same, I’m not going to sit around here while the guys do all the work. I’m in this too.
“I’m going with you,” I tell them, and I’m glad my voice doesn’t shake when I say it. I look up, almost daring them to tell me no.
They all exchange glances, and I can see the reluctance in each of them. But after a long beat, Gage nods.
“Alright. You can come.”