
My cock pulsesone more time, like it’s still trying to give River more even though it’s fucking empty. I’m still buried inside her, and honestly, I could stay here forever. She’s warm and wet, and it feels fucking amazing to be this close to her.

She’s splayed out on the hood of the car, soaked and limp. A few rain-darkened strands of hair cling to her face, plastered to her skin.

She’s fucking beautiful.

I grind against her a little, not ready to stop yet, and she moans for me, her eyes flashing as she meets mine.

“I can’t,” she whimpers, half laughing and half sobbing. “Fuck, I can’t come again. Give me a break, you savage.”

With a chuckle, I pull out and help her sit up.

I lean in and kiss her, tasting rain water on her lips. When I draw back, the others step in for their own kisses, taking their turns and then moving to the side so someone else can kiss her too.

River looks so thoroughly fucked that for once, none of her usual snark or walls are up at all. Even her fear and pain seem to have faded away.

It’s just her and us and nothing else. No pretenses, no lies. Just skin on skin and the rain falling around us.

It feels like something big just shifted. I’d never really admit I’m a romantic, especially after all the shit I’ve been through in my life and all the shit I’ve seen, but I am.

I still watch sappy movies, and I always held out hope that maybe one day shit would actually happen like that.

And this, with River? This feels… real.

We’ve never really had women. Except for Priest, who loved Jade. Other than that, we’ve saved our devotion for each other. We’ve all had sex plenty—again, except for Priest these last few years—but it’s never been serious. None of us have ever fallen in love or even bothered to introduce each other to the women we’ve been with.

Sure, the other Kings have all seen the ladies coming and going from my room in the past, but that’s not the same as one of them being a part of this. A part of us.

It’s new, and it’s different, and it feels important. It feels like something we all probably would have fought against before. But now, no one is fighting.

Not even River, not anymore.

The rain is still coming down as we all get our clothes back on and fixed up, then get back in the car. We’re all soaked through, and I know Gage will be cringing about all the water inside his car in the morning, but for now, none of us really care.

Nothing else matters but what we just did. Everything else can wait.

“Holy shit. I’m fucking starving,” Knox says, leaning his head back on the head rest.

“When are you not?” Priest comments, but there’s a teasing tone to his voice, something I haven’t heard from him in a while.

“When I’m eating,” Knox shoots back.

“We should pick up something on the way home,” Gage puts in. “Since we didn’t eat dinner or anything.”

He doesn’t mention the restaurant we all just left, and no one else brings it up. Instead, I pull out my phone and start looking for places on the way home.

“That Chinese place is pretty close,” I tell them. “What do you think?”

Knox’s stomach growls just from the mention of it, and then River’s does too, making me laugh.

“That sounds good,” she says. She’s slumped in the back seat, her head tipped back against the head rest. “I haven’t had good Chinese food in a while.”

“Ash, put in an order,” Gage says, already heading in the direction of the restaurant.

I’m usually the one who calls in orders for food for the four of us. Mainly because I know how to charm my way into free shit. The little old Chinese lady who runs the place we’re going to is no exception, and I flatter her and her food until she’s giggling over the line.