He said he didn’t fuck me all those times because he wanted it to mean something. Because I meant something to him.

I can see that there’s a tiny part of him now that’s waiting for me to hurt him again. Waiting for me to shove them all away.

And that’s the thing that finally pushes me over the edge. My stomach dips with the realization that for the first time since I had my innocence stolen as a teenager, I don’t want to push someone away. I don’t want to pushanyof them away.

“He means something to me,” I say, louder this time. “He does. You all do.”

“Good.” Gage bites out the word, and I nearly shiver from how deep his voice is. “Because it’s too late for us. Do you understand that? You’re right that this was supposed to be nothing, but you’re fucking kidding yourself if you think that’s all it is now.”

All of the Kings converge on me as he speaks. I tilt my head to look up at him, and the emotion I see in his eyes is as intense as an open flame.

I can feel the truth of his words, and I know it should scare me. Itdoesscare me, to be honest. It’s still so much more than I’ve ever faced before. So much more than I’ve ever felt before, and nothing in my life has ever prepared me for anything like this. I’m used to fighting and keeping my distance, not giving in and getting close. It’s so… big. So new.

But instead of running from the danger of them and my feelings for them, instead of fighting like I always do, this time I do the opposite.

I throw myself into it.

Acting on pure impulse, I rise up onto my toes and smash my lips against Gage’s in a hard kiss. It’s grounding, the feel of his mouth against mine, and I pour myself into it, focusing on all the small details.

That scar on his lip, the grit of his stubble against my face, the way his hands drop down to my waist to hold me close to him. It’s all so good and becoming so familiar as time goes by. I could probably kiss each one of these men in the dark and know who I was kissing, just from the way their mouths feel on mine and how they touch me.

My breathing starts to grow short again, but it’s from the kiss this time and not from panic. Gage growls softly as our lips separate, then passes me off to the side. Knox is there waiting, and he pulls me closer to him, ready to lean in and continue the kiss where Gage left off.

His mouth is firm and sure, and he kisses like hunger personified. Like he wants to devour me with every pass of his lips and tongue. He bites down on my lower lip, hard enough that I taste the coppery tang of blood, but that just makes it better. He licks the cut to soothe it, to get the taste of my blood in his mouth, and then presses his tongue inside my mouth to lay his claim there. It’s so Knox, and I clutch at his shoulders, leaning in, eager for more.

But then he’s passing me to Ash, who grins against my mouth with that charming smile he’s always wearing. The hint of pain is gone, and now he’s all eagerness and sensuality. He gives a teasing nip at my lips, and laughs when I moan into the kiss. His hands roam up and down my back for a bit, and then Priest is there, drawing me into a kiss with him as well.

His is just as hard as Knox’s was, and I can tell he’s losing himself in the pleasure of this moment too, chasing it into my mouth with his tongue as he lays his own claim.

My head is spinning, but in a good way. We’re still on the side of the road, hidden in shadow for the moment, but anyone could drive by and see us if they tried hard enough. Luckily, I’m pretty sure no one has come by since we stopped.

The guys keep kissing me, keep touching me. They pass me back and forth and sandwich me between their firm, broad bodies. There are lips on mine, on my neck, and there are hands everywhere—in my hair, down my back, on my shoulders. I’m losing track of which lips and hands belong to which man, and in the grand scheme of things, I guess it doesn’t really matter.

They’re tethering me to them, keeping me from freaking out and spiraling off into a panic again, making sure I have something else to focus on. Something that feelsgoodand lights that spark of heat in my body.

Something that matters, the way we all do to each other.