He inhales deeply, body quivering as he keeps thrusting, working his hips like he couldn’t stop if he wanted to.

And then, there’s that moment of release.

I can see it when it happens, like a flash of lightning. It hits him hard, and he goes rigid for a second, overcome by the force of it. There’s a wet splash against my chest and neck, and he comes all over me, spilling his release in a rush.

His eyes are wide, his chest heaving, and it looks like he’s not even sure what just happened. He stays still for a few long moments, as if he needs to come down from it, and I reach up and stroke his arm, trying to keep him grounded. He seems shaky and dazed, and I feel the same way.

That was intense, emotionally as much as anything, and after everything else, it’s just another layer to the exhaustion that’s been pulling at me.

Finally, he moves and rolls over to the side, staring up at the ceiling.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

He nods.

“Can you say something?”

“That was…” Priest trails off, shaking his head.

It makes sense that he’s at a loss for words, I guess. And he doesn’t seem upset, so I let it drop for now, not forcing him to talk it out or whatever.

He pulls me into his arms a second later, and I go willingly. There’s sweat and cum all over both of us, but neither of us can be bothered to clean up right now. I couldn’t give less of a fuck about that if I tried.

The bed is comfortable, and Priest’s arms feel too good around me. I feel safe. After the day I’ve had, the pain and the torrent of emotions, just feeling cared for is enough to finally let me give in and pass out in his embrace.

Judging from the way his breathing evens out above my head, he’s not far behind.