Knox opens his mouth like he’s going to answer his brother, but then he spots me and narrows his eyes. His nostrils flare, like he can smell the sex on me, and honestly, he probably can. Knox has a fucking sixth sense for shit like this. Violence and lust and sex. All the messy stuff. Plus, I’m sure I still look freshly fucked.

There’s a look on his face like he’s annoyed he missed out, and I roll my eyes at him. “What?”

Instead of answering either Gage’s question or mine, he comes over to me and licks some of the blood off my face from where Gage smeared it.

It’s not the first time he’s done something like this, and I have a vivid memory of being chained up in their basement, what feels like ages ago now. But this time, it’s different. This time, there’s a definite sexual edge to it, and Knox grabs my jaw hard, keeping me in place as he drags his tongue over my skin. I shiver and swallow hard past the sudden lump in my throat, suddenly fixated on the hot, rough feeling of his tongue on my face.

Gage rolls his eyes and sighs, shaking his head at the display. “Knox,” he says firmly, trying to get his friend’s attention.

“What?” Knox says back, not letting me go at first.

“What did you find out?”

That seems to shake the big man from whatever impulse grabbed him in the first place, and he shoots me a grin before letting me go and stepping back so he can give Gage his attention. “Julian wasn’t lying. He had a deal going before Ivan died. It would’ve been real stupid of him to lay the body out like that if he wanted it to go through.”

Gage nods, taking that information in along with the rest of us.

“Dammit,” I mutter, glaring at the microwave as it beeps at me, reminding me that my food is done. “That puts us right back at square one then.”

“Your idea is still good,” Priest comments, speaking up for the first time since we came into the kitchen. “I don’t think any of us were expecting the answer to be the first name on the list that we looked into. It’ll take more digging than that.”

He has a point, but I was hoping shit would be easy for once. “Yeah, I guess.”

“We’ll keep going down the list,” Gage tells me seriously, catching my gaze. “And we’ll investigate anyone who seems promising.”

“Alright,” I agree. There’s nothing else to do, really.

But it still doesn’t seem good enough.