My feet feellike they’ve somehow gotten stuck to the floor. My whole body feels frozen in place, as if I’m a character in a movie and someone just hit ‘pause.’
There are the wet sounds of kissing and a woman with a high pitched voice moaning and giggling. I can imagine what he’s doing to her in there. Kissing her neck, trailing his hands down her chest. Maybe tweaking her nipples through her bra as he goes.
Maybe she’s already naked, and he’s going to kiss his way down lower and lower…
I shake my head, not wanting that image in my brain. But it’s too late. It’s fucking lodged there like a burr, playing out in vivid detail inside my mind.
Something lights inside my chest just thinking about it.
The last time Ash had a woman over at the house, I walked in on him getting his dick sucked in the living room like he didn’t have a fucking care in the world. It was annoying then, even if the sight of him with his fingers buried in her hair and his head tipped back in pleasure was a little hot. But mostly, I was just irritated that I had to walk in on shit like that. In the middle of the fucking living room, which was supposed to be a common space.
I fucked with him that time just because I could. Giving him and the girl sucking his dick shit as a way of getting back at Ash for being part of the reason I was stuck with the guys in the first place.
It seemed fair at the time. They were fucking with my plans, fucking with the one thing that I needed to do more than anything else, so Ash deserved to have his afternoon delight ruined. Only, it ended up being something completely different.
What I feel now is different too.
It’s not irritation or annoyance, but a whole different beast altogether. It fills my chest, burning and bright, impossible to ignore. It floods my whole body, making my skin buzz and my heart pound until I can hear the heavy beat of it in my head, like a monster inside my body, taking over me.
My eyes narrow as something inside me snaps. Instead of moving past Ash’s door to my own room and locking myself in until I can get a handle on this shit, I turn and shove his door open.
Ash is on the bed, down to just his pants—although they’re already open, the zipper and button undone. The woman with him is a redhead with freckles dotting her pale skin. She’s practically naked except for a pair of black, lacy panties.
Both of them look shocked as hell when they notice me standing in the doorway, and the woman’s eyes go wide with shock and confusion as she glances between me and Ash.
This is usually when I would say something snarky or insult both of them, but the monster in me doesn’t care about banter or witty comments or any of that.
It just wants this bitch out of here and away from Ash.
I let it propel me forward, bursting right into his room. I grab a handful of the woman’s bright hair and drag her away from Ash and out of the room.
“What the fuck?” she screeches, her voice going even more high pitched as she tries to fight my hold.
She hits at my arm and wrist, trying to get me to let her go, but I just tighten my grip and haul her toward the stairs.
“Let me go!” she screams. “Who the hell are you?”
I ignore her, dragging her down the steps. She stumbles, almost falling as I steer her toward the front door.
Ash and Priest are hot on our heels, and both men watch as I yank the door open and shove the girl out of the house.
“What thehell? You can’t do this! You’re—you’re abitch, you know that?” The woman whirls around to face me from the front stoop. It seems to hit her all of a sudden that she’s standing there with nothing on but her panties, and she wraps her arms around herself, glaring at me with big gray eyes.
She’s angry, but there’s fear there too.
“Get the fuck out,” I snarl at her.
“Give me my clothes, at least!” she snaps back, her eyes darting around like she’s trying to make sure there’s no one around to see her like this. Other than me, Ash, and Priest, I guess.
“What the fuck did I just say?” I shoot back. “If you wanted to keep your clothes so bad, you shouldn’t have taken them off here in the first place. Now get lost and stay that way. If I ever see you here again, you’re going to fucking regret it. I promise you that.”
I slam the door in her face before she can say another word. Not even bothering to give her a second thought, I pivot on my feet and round on Ash.