“It’s okay, sweetie,” she whispers to him, smoothing his hair back. “It’s okay. We’re safe. We’re going to get out of here.”

He just nods and clings to her tighter, and Hannah hefts him tighter in her grip as she looks over at me, determination blazing in her eyes. It’s the same expression she had on her face when she told me she wasn’t going to leave her son to save herself. This is the version of Hannah I remember so well from when we were growing up—strong and brave and determined, even when she’s afraid.

“Stay behind me and be as quiet as you can,” I murmur. “I don’t think there’s anyone back here, but I don’t know for sure. I don’t want to take any chances.”

Hannah nods, and we set off, moving through the back halls of the church. I keep my gun ready, taking each corner slowly and peering around them to make sure we’re not about to get ambushed.

But like I thought, the coast seems to be clear. The fight is all happening at the front of the church, and if anyone has been able to get out, they’ve probably escaped through the front doors. I try to move as quickly as I can while still staying alert, just in case the cartel members figure out that I’m not hiding behind a pew anymore and start trying to chase us down.

I’ll give it to the kid, he doesn’t even cry. He just clings to his mother silently, gazing around at the shadowy corridor as he jostles in her arms with every footstep. My heart clenches at every strange sound, but no one jumps out at us, and we managed to make it out the door and into the alley in one piece.

As soon as the door of the church closes behind us, we make a run for it. I’m still in front, and Hannah races just behind me with Cody in her arms, heading for where the car is parked.

“Get in as soon as we get to the car,” I call over to Hannah. “I’ll get us out of here.”

“Got it,” she pants, a little out of breath.

And then I’ll come right back, I promise myself.I’ll make sure Hannah and Cody are safe and then come back for the Kings.

I know they can handle themselves in a fight and that they’ll have each other’s backs, working as a team to protect each other. But I still can’t help but worry about them and all of this.

I can’t believe the fucking cartel showed up here. They must not’ve known what the guest list for this wedding looked like, or they never would’ve made the decision to ambush usnow. It’s the worst fucking timing, but I don’t let myself dwell on that. For the moment, I have something more important to focus on.

I can be pissed about this shit show later.

We keep running, and the mouth of the alley looms ahead of us. The car is parked about a block away, and the keys are burning a hole in my pocket.

But just before we reach the street, Julian steps around the corner at the alley’s exit, blocking our path with his gun drawn.

I skid to a halt, stopping so quickly that Hannah runs into my back. Julian’s eyes narrow, and I watch him put together what’s happening. He can clearly see Cody in Hannah’s arms, and the three of us are running away from the church. Fury flashes over his face, and he bares his teeth, aiming his weapon right at me.

“Put your fucking gun down,” he spits. “Now.”

My skin prickles, and I hear Hannah suck in a breath. I hesitate for a second, a dozen different scenarios running through my head. Can I shoot him before he shoots me? If he kills me, what will happen to Hannah and Cody?

Just live. Just live long enough to keep protecting them.

That’s the only thought in my head as I slowly lean down and set my gun on the hard pavement.

Still keeping his gun aimed at my chest, Julian flicks a glance at Hannah and Cody. “You ungrateful fucking cunt. After everything I’ve done for you? This is how you repay me? Cody, come here.”

His voice cracks like a whip on that final command, and the little boy squirms in his mother’s arms, obviously terrified of disobeying his father. She sets him down but keeps a firm grip on his hand, keeping him from walking toward his dad.

“Wait.Listen,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady and even. “We didn’t plan any of this, okay? That shit going on in the church? That has nothing to do with us.”

And that’s mostly the truth. The part thatdidhave to do with us never even got to happen. I can tell Julian is furious, and that the fight in the church has him riled up and bloodthirsty. I need to try to talk him down, to find some way to convince us to walk away from this.

I just don’t fucking know how.

“Oh? So you just thought you could use the opportunity to steal away my wife and son,” he spits.

“You already agreed to let Hannah go,” I insist, glancing sideways at my sister. I can see the tension in her body, and I know she’s as on edge as I am. Maybe if we can get Julian to step closer, we can attack him together. “I was just trying to keep them safe. To get them out of the church.”

“You expect me to believe that?” A sneer curls his lips. “I always thought Hannah was a handful, too mouthy and headstrong. But I guess I got the good sister. You should’ve stayed out of my business, bitch. I warned you once. I don’t give second chances.”

A second too late, I realize what he’s referring to. His warning that if he caught me interfering in his business, he’d kill me.

He meant it then.