The explosives we’ll use to stage the attack have already been laid out, put in place last night by Knox, so that part is ready to go. Gage has the detonator that will trip them in an erratic sequence to simulate gunfire.

There are only about twenty minutes left before the ceremony is supposed to start, so I do one more check of the building to make sure the layout matches the one in my head from the blueprints and that I’ve got my path charted correctly.

Ducking out of the large sanctuary space at the front of the massive church, I head down a side hallway that runs toward the back of the building, checking to make sure there aren’t any spots that the blueprints didn’t cover.

Everything looks fine, and I’m about to turn back to rejoin the others when a noise stops me.

Frowning, I creep a little farther down the hall. There’s a room off to one side, the door hanging open a crack, and I peer inside.

There are two people in the room. Their backs are to me, but the fluffy white dress kind of gives it away that Natalie is one of them. She’s bent over a small table that’s set against one wall, her dress hiked up around her hips, and judging from the noises she’s making, she’s being absolutely plowed by the second person.

It takes a second for me to realize who it is from behind, but then he speaks, and I feel like I’m going to be fucking sick.

It’s Julian.

Julian goddamn Maduro, balls deep in his own goddamn sister on her supposed wedding day.

“Don’t forget who you belong to,” he pants, not even bothering to be that quiet about it. “You might be marrying that idiot, but you’re mine. I’m going to make sure you remember that.”

Natalie whines and bucks back against him, meeting him in the middle of every single thrust.

She’s clearly into it, clearlyenjoyingthis, and they’re both so wrapped up in each other that it’s like no one else even matters.

“Say it,” Julian hisses. “Say you’re mine.”

“I’m yours,” she moans. “Julian, fuck! I’m yours. I’m yours. I’m yours. Just don’t stop.”

That’s the most emotion I’ve heard in Natalie’s voice since I met her, and it’s no wonder she hasn’t been interested in Knox or anyone else if this is what she’s into.

My stomach churns with nausea and anger, and I start backing away from the scene. I don’t want to see any more. I don’t want to hear any more.

Every Maduro is a sick fucking bastard. I already knew the apple didn’t fall far from the tree where Julian was concerned, but I didn’t know it was going to be this bad. This sick and twisted.

Hannah was right. We have to get Cody out of there and away from Julian before he gets swallowed up by the darkness of this fucked up family.

Her kid deserves better than that.

I slip back down the hall as fast as I can, bile rising up my throat.