She jerks her head in the direction of the living room, and I follow her gaze toward where I know the guys are still sitting, biting my lower lip.
“Oh. That’s… a long story. I don’t want to make you late getting back, so I’ll tell you next time, okay?”
It’s a bit of a stall, because I’m not even sure what to say.
A smile spreads across Hannah’s face, amused and almost tender as she searches my face with her gaze. “That’s alright. I think some things are pretty obvious.”
“Yeah? What things?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Her smile grows a little wider, something soft shining in her eyes. She squeezes my arm. “I’m glad you’re not alone.”
My heart gives a heavy thud in my chest, and I reach out to pull her into a hug again, desperate for just one more second with her.
“I love you, sis. Kill for you, live for you, die for you,” I whisper, repeating the phrase we used to say to each other all the time when we were held captive. Words that gave us hope in a situation that so often felt hopeless, reminding each other that we weren’t alone. That there was someone in our corner. Someone who cared. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Kill for you, live for you, die for you,” she murmurs back, resting her cheek against mine.
Her eyes are hopeful when we separate, and I hold that image in my head as she leaves.