But without even trying to, without even knowing what she’s changing, River is changing us. All of us.

Priest wasn’t wrong when he said she would be trouble, but I still think it’s good trouble. She seems like she gets it, like she’s just another part of the group that’s been through some shit and is handling it and living her life as best she can in the aftermath.

There’s something really fucking appealing about that.

I twirl the pen between my fingers while I think and then sigh. The fucking paperwork isn’t going to get done if I keep daydreaming my way through it, so I go back to work, filling out forms and signing off on shit that needs to go out.

Part of running a business—even one that deals in illegal shit under the table—is actually needing torunthe business. Who knew?

As I’m working, the door opens. I look up, expecting one of the other guys to come in, but instead it’s Bethany, one of the dancers.

I’ve hooked up with her before, and I can tell from the smirk on her face that she’s looking for a repeat of that tonight.

“Whatever happened to employees only?” I ask dryly, lifting an eyebrow and jerking my chin at the sign on the door.

“I’m an employee,” she practically purrs.

“You know that’s not what it means.”

She giggles and shrugs. “It’s not clear. I heard you were back here, and I wanted to come say hi.”

“Hi, Beth.”

“Aww, is that all I get?” she asks with a pout. “Not even a kiss for coming all the way back here to see you?”

“We both know you want more than a kiss.”

“And we both know you’re not complaining.”

Usually, I wouldn’t be. Bethany is hot as hell, like pretty much all the dancers we have working here. I picked most of them out myself, after all.

She’s tall and leggy, with great tits and a killer ass. Her hair is a mess of curls that she keeps pushed back out of her face with a little cat ear headband, and she’s barely wearing anything.

It’s not the first time she’s come in here and tried to seduce me, and I’ve fucked her on the couch and over the desk before. Both times when I knew Gage wasn’t going to be coming in for a while.

But tonight, I’m just not feeling it for some reason. I’m not in the mood.

Even looking at her tits practically spilling out of her skimpy little bikini top when she leans over the desk doesn’t get me in the mood.

“Not tonight, sorry,” I tell her. “I got work to do. The boss hates it when I leave paperwork undone.”

Her pout just gets bigger, and she comes around the desk to my side of it, letting one hand trail over my shoulders.

“You could take a tiny break,” she suggests, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth. “Just a little one. Too much work is bad for you, you know? I could… massage your shoulders. Or something else.”

“Any other time, I’d love to see what you can do with those hands, but I’m busy right now.”

She laughs, pulling the rolling chair back enough that she can drape herself over my lap. “Sure. You’re so much more interested in paperwork than me.”

Her weight is familiar, and she smells good. Like perfume and whatever she uses in her hair, with that undercurrent of sweat and sex that always seems to linger around this place. She starts mouthing at my neck, kissing over my pulse point while her hand drags down my chest, heading lower.

“I know what you really want, Ash,” she whispers. “You don’t usually play so hard to get, though.”

“Yeah, I’m not playing,” I tell her, putting a bit more firmness in my voice. “Not tonight. You should be working, anyway.”

Bethany pulls back, surprise and disappointment gleaming in her eyes. “Um… I was on break, but okay. If you wanna be like that, I’ll just go.”

I don’t stop her as she crawls off my lap a bit less gracefully than she climbed onto it and walks out, letting the door close with a snap behind her.