It’s about control.

It’s another kind of standoff, like her little power move back there in the house or our face-off in the driveway.

I palm one of her tits with my free hand as I increase the pressure and speed of my fingers on her clit, squeezing and massaging her breast as I roll my hips against her ass, letting her feel every inch of me.

River’s breathing is ragged and harsh, and she’s trembling against me, her breath misting across the hood of the car and leaving little clouds of fog on the shiny surface. Her eyes are closed, her nostrils flared, and I know she’s close. She can’t hold back her sounds, and each breath has a little moan on the tail end of it, giving her away completely.

My breathing is labored too, but I’m not stopping until she comes for me. Until she falls apart.

It doesn’t take much longer. I grind my hand against her mound, pinching her nipple this time, and I feel her body go tense beneath mine. I manage to let go of her tit and get my hand up to slap it over her mouth before she screams and lets the whole fucking neighborhood know what we’re doing, and the guttural sound of her orgasm spills out behind my palm. Her hips buck and jerk, and she shakes her head as if she can still deny it, even as the release tears through her.

She sags against the hood, breathing hard, and I draw my head back and watch her for a second, my cock still so hard that it could burst through my pants. The thought of fucking her like this, when she’s already worn out from coming once and maybe less likely to ruin it with her attitude, is a tempting one—but it would be a mistake.

I release her and step back, putting distance between us. A neutral expression falls over my face, and I channel my inner Priest so she won’t be able to tell how affected I am by what just happened. How close I was to losing it too.

I wait for her to turn around, and then shrug.

“Fine,” I say. My voice is steady and hard, although there’s a low rasp to it too. “I don’t need to know shit about you. You can keep your secrets. As long as you do what you said you’ll do, I don’t want to know anything else. But if you fuck us over, if I even get a hint that you’rethinkingabout fucking us over, I’ll end you.”

Her face is flushed, and her midnight blue eyes are a little glazed, which lights a bit of a fire in my gut that I steadfastly ignore.

Even beneath that, though, there’s still hatred in her gaze as she eyes me. “Fine. I don’t wanna know shit about you either. Aboutanyof you. Let’s just keep it to the mission, and maybe this won’t be completely intolerable.”

She practically spits the words at me, and I nod curtly. I can make that deal with her. There’s no need for sharing personal stories or getting buddy-buddy here. Beyond the scope of her mission, she doesn’t matter. Not to me, not to the rest of us. Ash might have the idea that he’s going to fuck her, but beyond that, we don’t need her. Once this is done, we can wash our hands of her, and that day can’t come soon enough for my liking.

“Deal,” I say. “You’ll stay here until the job is done, and then you’ll leave. The less we know about each other, the better.”

“I already know too much about you,” River mutters, eyeing me with irritation. “Pushy asshole.”

I shrug a shoulder. “This is my operation. If you’d just cooperated in the first place, then it wouldn’t have had to go so far.”

She rolls her eyes like she doesn’t give a shit about what I have to say, and she probably doesn’t. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about her so far, it’s that she operates by her own set of rules. She has some code she follows, and anything that falls outside of that is barely worth her time. I can see it in the way she talks to us, and the way she brought her piece of shit dog to our house without so much as asking for permission.

But it doesn’t matter. We’ve made the deal now.

She kills Ivan, then we go our separate ways. No need to muddy the waters between those two things happening. No need to get more involved than we have to.

The less involvement, the better, at this point.

Something passes over her face, and she pushes away from the car and comes toward me. I half expect her to offer a hand to shake on the deal or something, but she passes that distance and gets right in my face.

I hold my ground, not sure what she’s up to, until she puts her hands on my chest. I can feel the heat of her skin through my shirt, and she leans up, her mouth just a few breaths away from mine like she’s going to kiss me.

There’s a little smirk on her face as she drags her hands downward, letting her nails scrape along the planes of my chest, and even through the shirt, I can feel the sensation of it. It sends a shiver down my spine, and my cock reacts immediately, like it’s pissed at me for not giving in to what it wanted in the first place.

I drag in a breath, my nostrils flaring, confused at what the hell River is doing. Her hands trail lower, down my stomach, and then even lower until I’m sure she’s going to do something stupid like take my cock out and touch me right here in the driveway.

I open my mouth to tell her to stop, but her hands stop short. Her mouth is still right there, so close I can see the plush softness of it, which is such a contrast to the bullshit she seems to always be spewing from it.

Her tongue darts out, pink and wet, and she licks her lips before reaching up to touch my cheek.

“One more thing you should know,” she murmurs, her voice low and sultry. “I’ve come harder from a bicycle seat than whatever uncoordinated shit you were doing with your fingers just now. It was pathetic.”

Before I can even process that, she rears back and slaps me across the cheek, then turns to walk away.

My body processes pain faster than most things, apparently, because a split second after the sharp sting registers, I reach out and grab her arm, yanking her back toward me.

Fury lances through me, dulling the edge of my arousal. I narrow my eyes at her, pinning her with my glare.

“Don’t fucking push us, River,” I growl. “Any of us. We don’t have the patience to be gentle with you.”

She laughs right in my face, as if the threat doesn’t mean shit to her.

“What makes you think I’ve ever had things gentle?”

With those words, she yanks out of my grasp and goes back to the house, slamming the door closed behind her.