Hopefully, it’ll be enough to make whoever comes down next drop their guard.

It’s been a long fucking night. Even before I got mixed up with these guys, there was that whole thing with hunting down the fucking liar who scammed me out of my shot at revenge. That all seems like it happened ages ago now. I can feel the exhaustion dragging at me, so I lean back against the wall and let myself doze off a little, but I don’t drop into a deep sleep.

As soon as I hear the door open, I snap awake, blinking in the darkness to try to get a glimpse of whoever’s coming down.

It’s not one of the three from earlier, but a different guy I haven’t seen before. He’s gorgeous like a model, and as soon as he sees me, he flashes a killer smile.

He looks like the kind of man who knows how hot he is, and the effect he has on anyone inclined to look his way. His hair is dark, but even in the dim light, I can tell it’s thick and soft. His eyes look like a warm amber brown, and I bet there are flecks of gold in his irises when the light hits them just right. He has on glasses, but they just make him look sexy and charming, rather than like a dork.

Everything about the way he moves screams confidence, and he swaggers his way over to where I’m chained up, grinning at me.

When he gets close, I can smell whiskey on his breath and the scent of sex clinging to his clothes and skin. He’s clearly been having fun tonight, and that annoys the hell out of me, but also makes something low in my body go tight for some reason.

But I shake that off and tense up, ready for the fight that’s coming.

“I heard we had a guest,” he says in a smooth voice, like he might be flirting with someone at a bar and not talking to a prisoner in his house. “So I had to come see for myself. How did you sleep?”

I lift an eyebrow at him. Unlike the others, he’s not making demands or threats. But if he thinks he can flirt the information out of me, he’s about to be extremely disappointed.

“I’ve got some complaints, actually,” I tell him. “The room service sucks, and there was no chocolate on my pillow. If this is how you treat your guests, I’m afraid I’m gonna have no choice but to leave a one-star review.”

One of the others, short tempered as they seem to be, might have lashed out at my smartass response, but Four Eyes only grins. Huh. That’s a good way to keep them separate in my mind since I don’t know their names and don’twantto know them. Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Wild Eyes, and Four Eyes. The fuckers keeping me captive. The ones I have to get through if I want to get out of here.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” he says, practically purring. “We usually try to keep our lovely guests so much more comfortable than this. Has Knox been down to see you yet?”

“Is he the big guy, the bossy guy, or the constipated one?” I shoot back.

He actually laughs, seemingly amused by me. Good. The more he lowers his guard, the better.

“You really do have them all pegged, huh? What would you describe me as? The sexy one? The intriguing one? The one you’d like to take for a spin?”

“Sure. Just dying to,” I say in my flattest, driest tone possible.

“I knew it. All you have to do is ask, honey. And probably tell Gage what he wants to know, so he’ll be okay with me taking you out of those shackles. Unless you’d rather stay in them. That’s more than fine, too. I’d never kick a kinky girl out of bed.”

“I bet you’ve never kicked anyone out of bed,” I shoot back, and he laughs.

“You might be right.” His eyes trace over me, taking in my outfit, my hair, my disheveled appearance. I know he’ll be able to see how tired I am, and maybe that’ll get him to loosen up even more. He already seems plenty comfortable, because he’s a flirt and he’s on his own turf, so if he drops his guard just a bit more, it should be perfect.

“Damn, Gage really clocked you, huh?” he asks, leaning in to look at the wound on my head.

That’s all I need.

I headbutt him with all the strength I can muster, and when he reels back in surprise, I yank my hands free and launch myself forward.

I land on Four Eyes, lashing out at him. With my bloody hand, I give him a good punch in the face, then aim my knee for his gut, winding him.

I get a good few hits in, enough to keep him disoriented, hopefully, and then I bolt for the door and shove it open.

Just as I suspected, I’m in a basement, and the stairs loom ahead of me. My outfit isn’t great for this kind of thing, but I’m not letting that stop me. This is my only chance, so I start running, clattering up the stairs, trying to get to the open door.

There are footsteps on the stairs behind me, and before I can reach the door, arms wind their way around my waist, stopping me in my tracks.

I pull against Four Eyes’ hold, but he’s strong, digging in his heels to keep me from getting free.

“You’re a feisty one,” he says, sounding out of breath. “But you’re not getting away from us that easily.”

“Fuck you,” I spit, all the banter gone now that I can see a path to freedom right ahead of me.