Hell, things probablydidhappen here, which is why it was abandoned in the first fucking place.

I shudder with rage and disgust just thinking about it. It’s a perfect place for what I want to do because it’s also a perfect place for whatIvanwants to do. Play out his sick fantasies of attacking a girl and having his way with her.

As if he hasn’t already done that enough.

I park and turn my headlights off, waiting in the darkness. I hold on to my anger but don’t let it cloud my judgement. It fuels me, but I don’t want it to distract me.

It’s a quiet night, and I don’t see anyone for a little while.

Then there’s a flash of headlights turning off the road, and a dark car pulls up, with a man and a woman inside. They talk for a second, and then Avalon gets out of the car and her pimp or whoever the guy is drives off.

I want to put a bullet through his head for driving Avalon to this sketchy place and then leaving her alone like this, to be preyed on by a piece of shit like Ivan, but I keep myself in check. I grip the steering wheel hard, letting out a slow breath.

It’s good. This is how we need it to be.

No witnesses, no one to fuck it up.

Just me and Ivan, finally squaring off after all these years. One of us is going to walk away from this, and it’s not going to be him.

Avalon walks away from the spot where she was dropped off at, moving easily on her high heels but glancing around quickly to make sure no one’s watching. There’s no one else around to watch. We’re alone. She comes over to my car and slips into the passenger seat.

Her hands are shaking a little, and she glances over at me. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

I can hear the fear in her voice, but I nod all the same.

“I’m sure. I’ll handle it. You just stay in the car and stay out of sight. He won’t get to you.”

She nods, hands fidgeting with the hem of her short skirt. Our outfits match almost perfectly, and it’s been so long since Ivan’s seen me that I know I can pull this off without him getting suspicious.

He’s expecting an easy time for this. Some woman he can push around and use and then send back when he’s done with her. He’s got a rude awakening ahead of him, and I can’t fucking wait.

“I just keep thinking of all the things that could go wrong,” she whispers.

“It won’t go wrong. I’m not going to miss my chance again,” I tell her. “Just stay here.”

Avalon nods again, so I get out of the car and square my shoulders. I put a little sway in my hips and start walking back to the spot where Avalon was dropped off. I’ve seen enough sex workers plying their trade that I know the mannerisms, and even though I’m playing the part of a helpless woman for Ivan to fondle and worse, I know some things are hard to hide.

“He wants me to walk along the path through the trees,” Avalon told me on the phone earlier. “In the dark. He said he’d come to me when he was ready, and to just keep walking. He said to struggle, to make it seem more realistic.”

She sounded sick just saying it, and I can’t blame her for that. I don’t know how much he’s paying for this shit, but with the cut her pimp takes off the top for doing fuck-all, it can’t be enough to willingly become some fucker’s victim for the night.

Still, I follow the instructions, finding the path she mentioned easily. Everything about this place is sketchy as hell, especially at night when everything is dark and there are barely any streetlights to see by. But the path Ivan picked is especially dark. The trees close in on either side of it, and it would probably be nice in the daytime, with the trees giving some shade from the sun, but at night, it’s just dark and creepy.

Shadows loom on either side, and just walking past the trees gives that feeling of being watched or followed, even though I know both are probably true right now.

The path is lightly paved, grass growing on either side, and my heels tap on the pavement as I walk. I keep forcing myself to move at a leisurely pace. To not rush. I’m supposed to be unsuspecting and helpless or whatever the fuck gets Ivan off.

I walk for about five minutes when I hear someone moving behind me. My body wants to tense up, but I force myself to keep moving. The footsteps get faster, and then strong arms are around me, grabbing me, dragging me back against the hard line of a male body.

Even without seeing his face or hearing his voice, I know it’s him. Ivan. I know it by the way he breathes, the way he smells, the way my body lurches with the fight or flight desire to both beat the shit out of him and get away from him as fast as I can.

Just the touch of his hands on my skin brings back a torrent of memories that I don’t want.

For just a second, I’m a teenager again. Scared and huddled in the corner with my sister. Ivan comes and stands over me. The others are in the background, egging him on. He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me away from the corner and Hannah. He leers at me where my clothes are torn and dirty, and his hands are everywhere. He’s bigger than me, stronger, and he gets off on knowing that I know that. He laughs when I struggle, when I cry. It’s all a game to him, and he’s winning.

In the present, his hands start moving over my body. One slides down to my ass, palming it roughly, and he squeezes at my tits with the other hand. I’m frozen for a second, caught up in the memories and the fear that doesn’t feel like it’s mine anymore, but which holds me all the same.

The slight pain from him squeezing near my new piercing shakes me out of the memories, and when he turns me around to face him and pushes me against a tree, I can breathe again.